
pínɡ chánɡ xīn
  • calmness;sense of ordinariness
  1. 马特·鲍默(MattBomer),《平常心》(TheNormalHeart)

    Matt Bomer , " The Normal Heart "

  2. 她几乎所有拍戏的工作都围绕孩子们的时间表来安排,甚至包括最近的电影:由舞台剧《平常心》(TheNormalHeart)改编的一部片子,讲述的是艾滋病出现初期与之斗争的一些事情,今年五月在HBO电视台播出。

    Almost all of her acting work is shot around their schedule , even her most recent : an adaptation of The Normal Heart , a play about the early fight against AIDS , airing on HBO this month . '

  3. 我希望我们能以平常心对待这样的时刻。

    I want to experience these moments with normalcy and satisfaction .

  4. 以平常心待之,以豁达态度对之。

    Just normal to be the order of open-minded attitude .

  5. 红学研究需要平常心

    The Study of A Dream of Red Mansions Needs an Ordinary Mood

  6. 平常心对待一切,因为你早晚会知道答案。

    Calmly all , because you know the answer sooner or later .

  7. 他总是保持着一颗平常心。

    Although he action is rude , he is a kind man .

  8. 你会看《平常心》还是《风中的花瓣》呢?

    Did you watch The Normal Heart or Petals on the Wind ?

  9. 唯有以平常心过生活,烦恼才会少。

    Just go with our'ordinary heart ' , and vexations will dimish .

  10. 我们必须保持平常心继续比赛。

    We must stay calm and continue to work .

  11. 24平常心就是最自在、最愉快的心。

    An ordinary mind is a mind of utmost freedom and unsurpassed joy .

  12. 用平常心去做不平常的事效果可能会更佳。

    Do out of the common matter result with the common heart probably better .

  13. 面对你要解决的问题,要有一颗平常心。

    You must have a common heart to face what you have to resolve .

  14. 所以我们必须有一颗平常心。

    So we must have an ordinary psychology .

  15. 慧心源自平常心。

    The wisdom soul comes from ordinary heart .

  16. 我们必须用一颗平常心来对待他们。

    We must treat them for an usual-heart .

  17. 你一定要有平常心和耐心,鼓励就最好的方法。

    You must have a normal and patience on the best way to encourage .

  18. 人们对体育运动和赛事也应有一颗平常心。

    We should also have a normal attitude towards sports activities and sports competition .

  19. 保持一颗平常心还要正确看待成败得失。

    But also the right to maintain a normal look at the success or failure .

  20. 平常心就是期望值合理,做事不过分,处事淡然。

    Normal attitude means reasonable expectation , not going to extremes , and playing it cool .

  21. 我希望社会各界能以平常心及成熟的态度去处理这问题。

    I hope the community can deal with this issue in a calm and mature manner .

  22. 留学解答资讯网:保持平常心,真诚待人,心地善良,人就会透露出美丽。

    Maintaining a common heart , treating people honestly , being good-hearted make one irradiate beauty .

  23. 正是在这种平常心和平常事物中,见出了人生之真谛。

    It is just in such ordinary mentality and ordinary things the true meaning of life emerge .

  24. 保持一颗平常心,做好自己的事,做一个善良的人。

    To maintain a sense of balance , to do their thing , doing a good person .

  25. 像你说的,用平常心,我们就能做回最快乐的小鸟。

    Like you said , take it easy , and we 'll be the happiest birds ever .

  26. “平常心是道”集中体现了洪州禅学思想特色。

    " The common mind is Dao " embodies a concentrated reflection of the Hongzhou Chan features .

  27. 一颗平常心,赏一路美景,穷其一生快乐!

    A sense of balance , beauty tours all the way , the poor his life happy !

  28. 这部《平常心》也确实是个家庭活动,莫德在其中担任摄影导演。

    THIS LATEST FILM was literally a family affair , as Moder was the director of photography .

  29. 当你有了幸福感,记得要好好珍惜,记住保持平常心。

    When you are happy with the flu , remember to cherish it , remember to maintain equanimity .

  30. 我们常说做人做事要有一颗平常心。

    We often say that we should have a normal attitude whoever we are and whatever we do .