
pínɡ jūn shù
  • average;mean;average number
平均数 [píng jūn shù]
  • (1) [average]

  • (2) 用几个数的和除以这几个数的个数得到的商。例如(5+6+7)3=6,6是5、6和7的平均数

  • (3) 对一笔款项或一个量取均等数

  • 年降雨量平均数1000毫米

  1. 取120个值计算平均数。

    Take a hundred and twenty values and calculate the mean .

  2. 6是3、7、8三个数的平均数。

    6 is the mean of 3 , 7and 8 .

  3. 这所学校班上的人数少于全国平均数。

    Class sizes in the school are below the national average .

  4. 把它们相加再除以5就是平均数,明白吗?

    Add them together , divide by five , and you 've got the average . Okay ?

  5. 他们算出这几个数的平均数是7。

    They averaged out the numbers and got the result 7 .

  6. 你所要做的第一件事就是要算出平均数。

    What you do first is to calculate the mean .

  7. 她的收入比全国平均数高出3500美元。

    Her income is $ 3500 above the national mean .

  8. 11,14和20的平均数是15。

    The average of11,14 and20 is15 .

  9. 统计学家算出了每千人中受大学教育的平均数。

    The statisticians averaged out the number of people receiving college degrees in every one thousand persons .

  10. HCC中CD3+细胞平均数与临床TNM分期无关。

    There was no relationship between the number of CD3 positive cells in HCC tissues and the clinical TNM stage .

  11. 各组CD3+细胞平均数从高到低为:癌旁、HCC、肝硬化、正常肝(P<0.05)。

    The order of CD3 positive cells : paraneoplastic , HCC , cirrhosis and normal liver tissues ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  12. 结果①3组薄膜片上细胞平均数分别为(PU)196、(PHAs)124、(PHAs/PU)160。

    Results ① The mean cell numbers on the films of PU , PHAs and PHAs / PU were 196,124 and 160 respectively .

  13. 随着发育时期的递增,淀粉体DNA拷贝数不断地增长。生长中期的淀粉体DNA含量平均数为2.14(任意单位),到了成熟期淀粉体DNA平均含量增长到10.12(任意单位)。

    The amyloplasts DNA of copies increase with the developmental stage-The average of amyloplasts DNA content is 2.14 ( arbitrary unit ) in the middle stage of growth . Amyloplasts DNA increase to 10.12 ( arbitrary unit ) in the mature period of cotyledon cell of broad bean .

  14. 我们对布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)的数据进行分析后发现,预计未来6年中印两国中产阶层人数占总人口的比例将以高于平均数的速度增长。

    Both countries are expected to grow their middle class as a proportion of the population at an above-average rate over the next six years , according to our analysis of data from the Brookings Institution .

  15. 本文采用了各省市的不稳定度Cr和灾害直接经济损失占应得GDP百分比的平均数Sp,构建了水旱灾经济损失指数Ss。

    Using instability Cr of each province ( or city ) and the average ratio Sp of direct economic loss of calamities to ideal GDP , this article constructs the economic loss index Ss and sets up a series of grades .

  16. 应用菌落计数法测定肺部感染存活菌数;每管接种10吐FU/Inl后均35t孵育过夜后做菌落计数并取其平均数。

    The numbers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in lung were determined by column counting method ; The inoculum are 106CFU / ml in every tube , incubate under 35 ℃ overnight .

  17. 结果水迷路试验中,NGF-Tf组在10s内抵达平台的正确反应平均数提高(p0.05)。

    Results In water maze test , the average right reaction number arriving terrace of NGF-Tf group within 10 seconds was higher than that of model group ( p0.05 ) .

  18. 应计利润模型主要包括随机游走预期模型、行业模型、平均数回复模型、琼斯及其扩展模型、K-S模型、边际模型和营运资金模型等。

    These measures include random walk model , industry model , mean-reverting model , Jones and modified-Jones models , K-S model , margin model and so on .

  19. 按群体平均数计算,这些性状F2的中亲优势仅为-1.99%~1.11%,这揭示出F2、F3近交衰退很少。

    The average heterosis of F2 over mid - parent based on population mean was - 1.99 % to 1.11 % for all these traits . It suggests that little inbreeding depression exists for F2 and F3 seeds .

  20. 附录中提到的JeremySiegel的书中有一章讲到了(几何平均数)理论的一个重要作用是衡量一个投资者有多成功。

    There 's an appendix to one of the chapters in Jeremy Siegel 's book where he says that one of the most important applications of this theory is to measure how successful an investor is .

  21. 愤怒情绪下,R-R间期平均数与心境呈显著负相关,与EPQ-N呈显著正相关。

    Under anger , R - R interal mean and mood has significant negative correlation , and R - R interval mean and EPQ - N has significant positive correlation .

  22. 前者以组平均数为基础进行方差分析,后者以原单个数据为基础并采用KENWARDROGER法确定自由度进行分析。

    The first method is to subject the cell means to an analysis of variance , the second method uses the individual observations and KENWARDROGER approximation for calculation of degree of freedom .

  23. 盘型量子点中弱耦合极化子的声子平均数

    The Mean Number of Phonons of Weak-coupling Polaron in Quantum Disk

  24. 但这些平均数其实颇具迷惑性。

    But at the same time , those averages can be deceptive .

  25. 关于时点数列序时平均数计算方法的改进

    The improvements on the calculating methods of the average of hour sequences

  26. 对照组大白鼠腹壁皮瓣神经末梢平均数为1.35条/mm。

    The mean of nerve in group A were 1.35/mm .

  27. 相对指标计算平均数的权数选择问题

    On Choice of Weight in Computing Averages from Comparative Measurement

  28. 晶体中束缚光学极化子的声子平均数

    The Mean Number of Phonons the Bound Optical Polaron in a Crystal

  29. 在强背景噪声条件下M-序列相关技术的应用和采样平均数的选定

    Application of M-sequence Correlation Technique and Ensemble Average Requirement in Noisy Environment

  30. 也谈由相对数或平均数计算平均数

    Rethinking Calculation of Averaging through Relative Number or Average Number