
pínɡ xínɡ jìn huà
  • parallel evolution;horizontal evolution
  1. 自拟南芥以来,水稻LBD基因家族的进化经历了亚家族平行进化和重复基因的缺失这个过程。

    OsLBD gene families are characterized by subclasses parallel evolution and deletion of duplicated genes from Arabidopsis .

  2. 关于分子与形态数据之间的矛盾,系统和分类学家也提出了诸多的假设,例如形态性状的平行进化或者趋同进化和隐种的存在。

    Some hypotheses have been suggested , e.g. the conflict between morphological and molecular evidence might result from parallel evolution and / or convergence and occurrence of cryptic species .

  3. 同时还发现不同性状在各品种间平行进化的现象。

    Also , we find a parallel evolutionary phenomenon of characters between different cultivars .

  4. 三者之间在基因水平上的变异模式支持釉稻和粳稻的平行进化学说。

    The mutation pattern in gene level among the three rice supported the theory that indica and japanica evolved respectively .

  5. 利用最小平行进化法对蒙古高原绣线菊属植物进行了分支分类研究,将本属植物分为4个组、6个系。其组的进化顺序为:Sect。

    The minimal parallel evolutionary method of cladistic classification is used in studying of Spiraea genus , the sequence of its evolution as following : Sect .

  6. 拟步甲科昆虫形态变化多端,生活类型极富多样,常在荒漠、半荒漠地区形成个体数量较大的群落,与环境之间形成平行进化关系。

    Tenebrionidae insects with various morphology and diverse types of life history frequently colonize a larger number of communites , and form a parallel evolutionary relationship with the environments .

  7. 引起人们更多好奇心的是,正如德萨尔乐研究小组发现的一样,这些简单动物属于这样一类有机体,它们与那些后来演变为人类的生物体是平行进化的。

    More intriguingly , these simple creatures belong to a group of organisms that , as DeSalle 's team discovered , evolved in parallel to those that later developed into humans .