
  • 网络Pingxing Pass;Pingxingguan Pass
平型关 [píng xíng guān]
  • [Ping Xing Pass] 古代长城关口,在山西省繁峙东北边境,古称瓶形寨,金时称瓶形镇,清时称平型岭关,1937 年 9 月,八路军 115 师曾在此伏击日本侵略军,歼敌 3000 多人

  1. 平型关一个胜仗,冲昏了一些人的头脑;台儿庄再一个胜仗,冲昏了更多的人的头脑。

    The victory at Pinghsingkuan turned some people 's heads , and further victory at Taierhchuang has turned more people 's heads .

  2. 在作战上讲,十个月的经验证明歼灭是可能的,平型关、台儿庄等战役就是明证。

    Our experience in the last ten months of military operations shows that it is possible to annihilate enemy forces & witness the Pinghsingkuan and Taierhchuang campaigns .

  3. 小区内环境幽静,房型适中,是平型关路附近的一个亮点楼盘。

    The environment is peaceful in the district , the house type is moderate , is a light spot building near the road of Ping Xing Pass .