
pínɡ hénɡ shàn shí
  • balanced diet
  1. 结论:糖尿病患病人群应当在控制总能量摄取水平、平衡膳食的基础上,适量进行B族维生素补充。

    Condusion : The diabetic patients should be supplemented with appropriate / adequate amount of vitamine B under the conditions of controled intake of energy and balanced diet .

  2. 平衡膳食促进了儿童体格发育,入园时与平衡膳食1a后儿童体格发育情况比较,男童发育达标率由48.3%提高到了87.9%,女童发育达标率由50.0%提高到了88.5%。

    Balanced diet promoted the children 's physical development . After giving balanced diet for one year , the proportions of the children whose development reached the standard increased to 87.9 % from 48.3 % among the boys and to 88.5 % from 50.0 % among girls .

  3. 方法按平衡膳食法计算热能摄入量,以DDP评分方案评价膳食结构。

    Methods : Intake of energy was calculated according to method of balance diet and dietary pattern was assessed with DDP .

  4. 维生素B1、B2、C负荷试验也有不同程度改善。我们认为,平衡膳食的原则仍然是举重运动员膳食调配的指导原则。

    There were improvements in the excretion of vitamins B1 , B2 , C as shown in urinal load tests , The results suggested that the guiding principle on diets for weight-lifting athletes should still be the balance diet .

  5. 目的了解中部地区城市学龄前儿童Ca、Fe、视黄醇当量摄入量水平及其膳食来源,为今后针对幼儿进行平衡膳食提供参考。

    Objective To understand Ca , Fe and retinol equivalent intake levels of preschool children and their food sources in less developed central cities of China , and to provide reference data for the arrangement of children ' balanced diets .

  6. 平衡膳食对锌营养不良学龄前儿童营养效应的研究

    Study of nutritional effect of Balanced-Diet on zinc malnutrition preschool children

  7. 以平衡膳食为基础,适量补充维生素预防慢性疾病

    Supplement of Vitamins for Chronic Disease Prevention Based on Balanced Diet

  8. 平衡膳食指导手册在营养干预和宣传教育中的应用

    Application of balanced diet guidance handbook in nutritional intervention and propaganda

  9. 平衡膳食抗大鼠脂肪肝的干预实验研究

    The interventional effect of balanced diet on experimental fatty liver rat

  10. 在考试之前要平衡膳食。

    Eat a well-balanced meal before the actual exam .

  11. 用中国居民平衡膳食宝塔评价广西居民膳食模式

    Assessment of dietary pattern of residents in Guangxi with Chinese balance dietary pagoda

  12. 老年人接受平衡膳食营养宣教前后的试验观察

    The effects of propaganda and education on acceptance of balanced diet in the elderly

  13. 平衡膳食的内涵、要求及配膳方法

    Connotations , Requirements and Prescriptions of Balanced Diet

  14. 运用平衡膳食宝塔对社区居民进行营养干预的效果评价

    The effect of nutrition intervention on community residents by utilizing the balance diet pagoda

  15. 鉴于平衡膳食,我两种都要吃一粒。

    I believe in a healthy balance . I 'll have one of each .

  16. 平衡膳食,让儿童健康成长

    Equilibrium Meals for Healthy Growth of Children

  17. 基本达到平衡膳食。

    It almost reached balanced diet .

  18. 吃平衡膳食,多锻炼,你就会拥有健康的头发。

    Having a balance diet and doing more exercise , you will have a healthy hair .

  19. 他说:为了保持平衡膳食,我不吃油腻、油炸或者淀粉含量高的食物。

    To maintain a balanced diet , I avoided any greasy , fried and high-starch foods .

  20. 平衡膳食。

    Eat a Balanced Diet .

  21. 推广大豆和大豆配料在食品和平衡膳食中的应用。

    Expanding the use of soy ingredients in various foods and adding soy containing foods to balanced diet .

  22. 目的:采用临床流行病学方法研究平衡膳食与脂肪肝的治疗效果。

    Objective : To study the curative effects of balanced diets on fatty liver with clinical epidemiological analysis .

  23. 平衡膳食是21世纪中国餐饮业的热点问题,平衡膳食是一个综合性的概念,具有普遍性、特殊性、时代性的特点。

    Balanced diet is a question of heated discussion for Chinese food and beverage industry in the21st century .

  24. 结论平衡膳食能促进儿童的生长发育,家庭的膳食结构有待改进。

    Conclusion Family diet constitution should be improved , and balanced diet can improve children 's growth and development .

  25. 结果说明:①在理想的平衡膳食条件下锌的吸收率最高;

    ( 1 ) the fractional absorption of zinc in balanced diet was the highest among the three diets ;

  26. 结论:平衡膳食对改善集体儿童营养状况具有重要作用。

    Conclusior ~ : Balanced diet has an important effect in improving nutritional status of preschool children in kindergarten .

  27. 结果所调查的居民饮食无一人完全符合中国居民平衡膳食宝塔的建议;

    Results of all the subjects , no one 's diet was consistent with the Chinese balanced diet guideline .

  28. 结论应加强平衡膳食和合理营养的教育,逐步改善学生的营养状况。

    Conclusion It is necessary to enhance the dietary nutritional education , so as to improve students ' nutritional status .

  29. 学生对膳食指南和平衡膳食宝塔的知晓率分别为17.2%和23.6%。

    The students ' awareness rate of the Dietary Guideline and the Food Pyramidis 17.2 % and 23.6 % respectively .

  30. 通过膳食调查可为指导患者平衡膳食,改善营养状况提供科学依据。

    Through this survey the doctors can provide a balance diet for COPD patients to maintain them a satisfactory nutritional status .