
  • 网络baoshan;BaoShan District
  1. 上海市宝山区0~14岁儿童支气管哮喘流行病学调查

    Epidemiology investigation of infantile bronchial asthma in Baoshan district of Shanghai

  2. 宝山区公共浴室卫生现状调查分析

    Current Hygienic Situation of Public Bathrooms in BaoShan District , Shanghai

  3. 比较国产和进口水痘疫苗免疫效果,了解宝山区儿童水痘&带状疱疹病毒(VZV)自然感染情况。

    To Compare the immune efficacy of domestic and imported varicella vaccine and to understand the prevalence of varicella-zoster virus ( VZV ) in children .

  4. 上海市宝山区生态专项建设工程(B11-B13)地块园林绿化方案设计

    Landscape Design for the Ecologic Construction Project of Plots B11-B13 in Baoshan District Shanghai

  5. [方法]利用疾病家庭损失年数(FYPLL)指标,分析宝山区2004年死因资料。

    [ Methods ] Family years of potential life lost ( FYPLL ) of BAOSHAN area in 2004 was analyzed .

  6. 上海市宝山区居民20年糖尿病死亡趋势分析

    An time trend analysis of mortality in diabetes mellitus in Baoshan

  7. 宝山区刑事犯罪趋势的预测及工作措范

    The Criminal Offence Trend Forecast and Working Measure in Baoshan District

  8. 宝山区社区卫生服务发展现状及对策研究

    The Baoshan District Community Health Service : Development & Strategy

  9. 上海市宝山区社区在校小学生肥胖症干预理论与实践

    Theory and Practice : Intervention for Obesity of Pupils in Baoshan Community

  10. 上海市宝山区中老年居民生存质量评价

    Life Quality Evaluation among the Middle-aged and Elderly Residents in Baoshan District

  11. 上海市宝山区固体废弃物处置规划

    Solid Waste Treatment Long Term Programme of Baoshan District of Shanghai City

  12. 宝山区全科医师岗位培训中临床技能培训效果评估

    Evaluation of Clinical Skill Training Effect of General Practitioners in Baoshan District

  13. 上海宝山区医院在用医疗设备状况调查

    An Investigation of Medical Devices in Use in Hospitals in Shanghai Baoshan District

  14. 宝山区流行性腮腺炎流行规律探讨

    Study of Epidemic Regularity or Mumps in Baoshan District

  15. 上海市宝山区2000&2007年麻疹发病的季节性特征分析

    Analysis on Seasonal Characteristics of Measles in Baoshan District of Shanghai during 2000-2007

  16. 上海市宝山区自杀死亡流行病学研究

    Epidemiological study of suicide in Baoshan District of Shanghai

  17. 宝山区1999~2005年急性职业中毒事故发生情况分析

    Data analysis of acute occupational poisoning accidents in Baoshan District during 1999 to 2005

  18. 上海市宝山区社区居民体育锻炼情况调查分析

    Effectiveness evaluation of physical exercise among the residents of Baoshan District of Shanghai City

  19. 上海市宝山区现代服务业发展规模预测

    Forecast on the Development Scale of Modern Service Industry in Baoshan District in Shanghai

  20. 上海市宝山区中小学校食堂卫生设施现况调查

    Survey on Present Condition of Hygienic Facilities in School Canteens in Baoshan , Shanghai

  21. 上海市宝山区土壤重金属含量及其分异特征

    Contents and Differential Characteristics of Heavy Metals in Soils Found in Baoshan District , Shanghai

  22. 宝山区吴淞社区居民合理营养健康教育效果评价

    Effectiveness Evaluation of Health Education on Reasonable Nutrition among Community Residents in Baoshan District , Shanghai

  23. 目的进一步提高上海宝山区外来儿童免疫预防管理工作。

    [ Objective ] To improve the management of immunization of ecdemic children in Baoshan District .

  24. 上海市宝山区外来儿童免疫预防现状及影响因素

    Investigation on immunization status of ecdemic children and its affecting actors in Baoshan District of Shanghai

  25. 2001-2006年上海市宝山区鼠密度监测结果分析

    Analysis of the rat density monitoring results in Baoshan district of Shanghai from 2001 to 2006

  26. 上海市宝山区病伤死因的家庭损失年数分析

    Analysis on family years of potential life lost due to different causes of death in Baoshan district Shanghai

  27. 第二部分分析宝山区流动人口计划生育公共服务配置状况。

    Part two analyzes the configuration status of Family Planning Public Service of Floating Population in Baoshan District .

  28. 宝山区4~5岁儿童行为问题及危险因素的研究

    The study on behavior problems and risk factors of baoshan district 's children aged from 4 to 5

  29. 上海市宝山区三类重点人群乙肝病毒感染现状

    Status of Hepatitis B Virus Infection among 3 Kinds of Key Population in Baoshan District of Shanghai City

  30. 上海市宝山区271例肺癌危险因素的病例对照研究

    A Case-control Study on the Risk Factors for Lung Cancer in 271 Cases in Baoshan District of Shanghai