
píng fāng gēn
  • square root
平方根 [píng fāng gēn]
  • [square root] 平方时能得出初始量的两个量中的任一个

  • +3或-3是9的平方根

平方根[píng fāng gēn]
  1. 64的平方根是8。

    The square root of 64 is 8 .

  2. 在除法算法研究的基础上,分析了数字迭代算法实现平方根运算的原理和实现流程,确定采用基-4算法实现FPU中的平方根运算。

    On the basis of previous study , analysis the principle and implementation of realizing the square root computation in iterative ways , and decides to employ the base-4 algorithm in the square root computation .

  3. 基于平方根B样条模型和有理平方根B样条模型的分子量分布控制

    The Molecular Weight Control Based on Square-root B-spline Model and Rational Square-root B-spline Model

  4. 如果按二项式定理展开来计算平方根,P的计算可以简化。

    Evaluation of P is simplified if the square root terms are expanded by the binomial theorem .

  5. 利用矢量旋转求解平方根的算法及其FPGA实现

    Design and Implementation of FPGA-Based Root Square Algorithm with Vector Rotation

  6. 基于平方根推广卡尔曼滤波的星载GPS定轨

    Satellite orbit determination with onboard GPS observations based on square root extended Kalman filtering

  7. 用2π乘R/G的平方根,等于115,of,R,over,G,and,R,is,115,,115。。。,我把它除以。

    I take two pi times the square root R G I divide it by G.

  8. 然而,PI和平方根比较常见。

    However , PI and square root are a bit more common .

  9. 第一行定义一个名为square的函数,该函数可接受参数并发出其平方根。

    The first line defines a function called square that takes an argument and emits its square root .

  10. 你有大N个,变化量很可能就是那个数量的平方根。

    You do a bunch of samplings a capital N and the variation looks like the square root of that number .

  11. 研究H∞广义平方根滤波。

    We study the square-root algorithm for H ~ ∞ filter by introducing the generalized square-root factorization for indefinite matrices .

  12. 关于一般情形的Jordan标准形矩阵的平方根矩阵

    The square-rooting matrix of the general situation Jordan normal form matrix

  13. 平方根Kalman自适应滤波及其在OCT中的应用

    Square Root Kalman Adaptive Filter and Its Applications on OCT

  14. 包壳管内表面渗B,渗B量与相容时间的平方根成正比,渗B深度不随相容时间变化;

    There is B penetration in cladding inner surface , the amount of B penetration is propotional to the square root of the test period .

  15. 如果缩小4倍-,缩小4倍-,l,four,times,shorter&,4的平方根是。

    If I make it four times shorter & l2 the square root of four is two .

  16. 平方根滤波/平滑/双向滤波在LEO星载GPS定轨中的应用

    Applications of Square Root Filtering / Smoothing / Bidirectional Filtering on GPS-based Orbit Determination for LEO

  17. 一个Jordan块的平方根矩阵

    On Square-Rooting Matrices of A Jordan Block

  18. 相关系数R是通过把R2开平方根求得的。

    The coefficient of correlation , R , is obtained by taking the square root of R2 .

  19. 一类带平方根的Riemann边值逆问题

    A class of inverse Riemann boundary value problems with square roots

  20. List方法对于这些类型操作很方便,但我的算法有个副作用,就是出现整数平方根时,会有重复。

    List methods are convenient for these types of manipulations , but a side-effect of my algorithm is a duplicate entry when a whole-number square root pops up .

  21. 所以周期为-,2π/ω,等于2π乘以点P转动,惯量除以K开平方根。

    And therefore the period which is two pi divided by omega equals two pi times the square root moment of inertia about point P divided by kappa .

  22. 一种基于无平方根QR分解的流水RLS算法

    A Pipelined RLS Algorithm Based on Square Root Free QR Decomposition

  23. X平方根型、双平方根型适用于海拔高度小于518481m的山区;

    The models of X square root and double square root are applied in the mountain area with the altitude of less than 518.481 m ;

  24. 而且,当等权波包中叠加的本征态的数目N等于量子数n的平方根时,等权波包的不确定性最小。

    Furthermore , when the number of eigenstates N equals to the square root of quantum number n , the equally weighted wave packet minimizes the uncertainty relation .

  25. 文中提出了一种平方根线性二次型最优控制算法,并将其映射到并行专用结构&脉动阵列(systolicarray)上。

    A new square-root formation of linear quadratic optimal control algorithm is proposed , and the algorithm is mapped to parallel architecture-systolic array .

  26. 双平方根方程谐波分解法提取角度道集及AVO反演

    Double-square-root Equation Based Harmonic Wave Decomposition to Extract Angle Gathers and AVO Inversion

  27. 结果表明:光固化速度随着MI扩散能力的增加而增加,且与MI浓度的平方根呈线性关系。

    The results showed that the photo-curing rate was proportional to the square root of Mi 's concentration .

  28. 基于平方根Unscented卡尔曼滤波的车辆融合跟踪

    Vehicle Fusion Tracking Based on Square Root Unscented Kalman Filter

  29. 本文研究Q控制图,将它同经典的p图、λ图和平方根变换图作比较,并说明Q图的实际应用。

    Studies Q control charts , with the classical P Charts , A Charts and square root transformation charts ; and illustrates the practical applications of the Q charts .

  30. 一种带平方根的Riemann边值问题在开口弧段上的解法

    Solution of One Kind of Riemann Boundary Value Problem with Square Roots on an Open Arc