
  • ipad;tablet computer;Tablet PC;MID
  1. 由于百思买(BestBuy)的一次幸运的过失,一对买家现在可以把这个平板电脑当作是圣诞节的尊贵礼物了。

    Thanks to a fortunate error by Best Buy , a couple of shoppers can now use the tablet computer for stocking stuffers .

  2. 就连戴尔公司创始人戴尔(MichaelDell)昨天也没有将PC销售的疲软归因于平板电脑。

    Even Dell founder Michael Dell yesterday didn 't scapegoat the tablet computer for weak PC sales .

  3. Mantarobot,Vgo和Giraff等远程呈现机器人可以通过计算机、智能手机或平板电脑进行控制,允许家庭成员或医生远程监控患者或者使用Skype与患者聊天,并通常将机器人的“面部”显示在屏幕上。

    Telepresence robots such as MantaroBot , Vgo , and Giraff can be controlled through a computer , smartphone , or tablet , allowing family members or doctors to remotely monitor patients or Skype them , often via a screen where the robot 's ‘ face ' would be .

  4. 她还有一台平板电脑和一部智能手机。

    She also has an iPad and a smartphone .

  5. 关于智能手机、笔记本电脑和平板电脑对学习成绩的影响,高校教师们正在提出越来越多的警示。

    College professors are increasingly raising alarm bells about the effects smartphones , laptops , and tablets have on academic performance .

  6. 老师们有时会实行一些策略来减少学生使用数码产品的现象,甚至有的老师会没收学生的平板电脑和手机。

    Professors sometimes implement policies designed to minimize students ' use of digital devices , and some instructors even confiscate tablets and phones .

  7. 这对于任何一个希望智能手表能够追赶成熟的智能手机和平板电脑市场的企业来说都是坏消息。

    That is bad news for any firm that may hope that smartwatches can make up ground for maturing smartphone and tablet markets .

  8. 年来,智能手机、电视、平板电脑、笔记本、台式机占据了市场的大部分份额并引领着创新。

    For years , smartphones , televisions , tablets , laptops and desktops have made up a huge part of the market and driven innovation .

  9. 一般人不会去研究他们最喜欢的日历软件是否适合他们的冰箱,或者他们的洗衣机是否和平板电脑兼容。

    No average person wants to figure out whether their favorite calendar software works with their fridge or whether their washing machine and tablet get along .

  10. “穿上它,你就会想要一部iPad”是其中一款新实验服的标语,这些新实验服设计有可以装平板电脑的大口袋。

    " You 'll want an iPad just so you can wear this " is the slogan for one of the new lab coats designed with large pockets to accommodate tablet computers .

  11. 他们发现,在平板电脑而不是电视和台式电脑上观看更多的点播娱乐节目,可以将能耗降低44%。

    They found that more on-demand entertainment viewing on tablets instead of TVs and desktop computers could cut energy consumption by 44 % .

  12. 在技术和阅读方面,这份报告对想了解电子阅读器和平板电脑对阅读影响如何的父母几乎没什么帮助。

    When it comes to technology and reading , the report does little to counsel parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading .

  13. 研究小组的数据只持续到2007年,但研究人员还探讨了如果消费者用新的电子产品替代旧产品,比如用于文字处理和电视观看的平板电脑,会发生什么情况。

    The team 's data only went up to 2007 , but the researchers also explored what would happen if consumers replaced old products with new electronics that serve more than one function , such as a tablet for word processing and TV viewing .

  14. 作为协议的一部分,小米将在安卓智能手机和平板电脑上预装微软Office和Skype。

    As part of the agreement , Xiaomi will ship Microsoft Office and Skype on Xiaomi Android smartphones and tablets .

  15. IPad以及同类平板电脑的引进彻底改变了人们的网购生活。

    The introduction of the iPad and similar tablet devices has completely changed the buying experience forever .

  16. 随着苹果公司iPad的引进,平板电脑的销售量在过去几年猛涨。

    With the introduction of the iPad from Apple , tablet sales have skyrocketed over the past couple of years .

  17. Mediameshing指拿着手机或平板电脑等掌中设备,一边看电视节目,一边在这些设备上对节目发表评论或查看相关花絮,即“媒体结合”。

    Media meshing is the activity of using hand-held electronic devices ( e.g. mobile phones , tablet computers ) to make comments or read about a TV program at the same time as watching it .

  18. 苹果公司的新型平板电脑将于下周发布。

    With the new tablet device that is debuting next week , Apple Inc.

  19. 在线零售商跟随潮流也给他们的网店引进了适应平板电脑用户要求的版本。

    Online retailers to people who use tablet devices .

  20. 例:这个平板电脑超级划算。

    This tablet is a really good deal .

  21. (我能拔掉你的平板电脑吗?你已经给它充电几个小时了。)

    Can I unplug your tablet ? You 've left it on charge for hours .

  22. 沙发商务指的是人们用平板电脑和智能手机购物的现象。

    Couch commerce refers to the phenomenon of people doing their shopping using tablet and smartphone devices .

  23. 现在的孩子除了自己平板电脑和智能手机上的游戏都不知道什么才是真正的游戏了。

    Children nowadays don ’ t really know the meaning of real games apart from what is on their iPads , PlayStation and smart phones .

  24. “移动商务”指通过手机和平板电脑等无线接入设备完成商品和服务买卖的流程。

    M-commerce ( mobile commerce ) is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless1 handheld devices such as cell phone and tablets .

  25. 这些是印刷书籍,平板电脑上的基本电子书,以及具有动画,图形和声音效果等功能的增强型电子书。

    These were printed books , basic e-books on a tablet , and enhanced e-books with features such as animation2 , graphics3 and sound effects .

  26. 他们发现,在这些人的子女中,75%的孩子有机会使用能上网的设备,且有超过一半的三至四岁的孩子拥有自己的平板电脑或计算机。

    They revealed that 75 % of their children had access to a connected device and over half of three and four-year-olds had their own tablet or computer .

  27. 全世界的学生们都正在受一种通行病症的困扰,而这个病症是我们这一代伴随着智能手机、手提电脑、平板电脑以及游戏机长大的人面临的痛苦结局。

    An epidemic1 is affecting students worldwide ; the painful result of our generation being the first to grow up with an endless availability of smart phones , laptops , iPads and gaming consoles .

  28. 当父母忙碌而无暇陪伴孩子时,他们就将智能手机或平板电脑交给孩子玩。手机和平板里的各类游戏会让孩子找到乐趣,并且成为孩子的好朋友。

    When parents are too busy to spend time with their kids , they give them a smartphone or a tablet . All kinds of online games will entertain their kids and be their good friend .

  29. 一旦孩子对这些游戏上了瘾,就不会再去烦他们的父母了。这种情况下,父母塞到孩子手中的智能手机或平板电脑其实就是一个虚拟的保姆,该现象也由此被称之为“手机保姆”。

    And once the children are addicted to these games , they will leave their parents alone . In this case , the smartphone or tablet is used as a virtual nanny , thus called smartphone nanny .

  30. 上周,苹果宣布将扫描用户手机、平板电脑和电脑,与数百万张非法图片进行比对,引发广泛担忧。此次苹果在一系列媒体发布会上披露检查方式,是为了消除人们此前的担忧。

    The disclosure came in a series of media briefings in which Apple is seeking to dispel alarm over its announcement last week that it will scan users ' phones , tablets and computers for millions of illegal pictures .