
zì dònɡ shòu huò jī
  • automat;automatic teller machine ;slot machine;rending machine
  1. 基于手机短信应答的自动售货机

    The Automat based on the Mobile Short Massage Response

  2. 自动售货机传热性能分析及在设计中的应用

    Diathermancy analysis and application on design of the automat

  3. loosechange=零钱、散钱我口袋里有些零钱,我准备拿去自动售货机上买些东西。

    I have some loose change in my pocket . I 'll use it to buy something in the vending2 machine .

  4. 至少一家公司已经看到黄金价格的未来:“GoldtoGo”黄金自动售货机提供不同重量的金条。

    At least one company sees promise in gold prices : Gold to Go is a German company that sells automatic teller machines that dispense gold bars .

  5. 这款Let’sPizza自动售货机可以在三分钟内制作出新鲜的披萨,顾客可以通过一个窗口观看到整个烹饪过程。

    Let 's Pizza prepares fresh pizza in less then three minutes and allows the customer to watch the whole process through a window .

  6. 并通过对模拟的自动售货机和TCP协议的测试实验证明了这种架构的可行性。

    And through the simulation of the vending machine and the TCP protocol test results show that the feasibility of such a framework .

  7. 目前自动售货机人机界面通过单色、小屏幕的LCD显示屏实现,显示信息不够丰富、生动。

    The human-machine interface of vending machine is implemented by monochrome and small screen LCD currently , the information which displays is not plentiful and vivid .

  8. 这究竟只是用iPad取代了投币口的旧式自动售货机的升级版,还是不止如此?

    Is this just an updated version of the old automats , with iPads replacing coin slots , or is it something more ?

  9. 如今很多新加坡的7-Eleven便利店都配备了Maggie土豆泥自动售货机。

    Many 7-Eleven stores there now have Maggi mashed potato machines .

  10. 本文将Petri网建模技术应用到无线自动售货机系统的建模和应用研究中,分别对系统的交易流程和物流配送过程建立了它们的Petri网模型。

    Petri Net modeling technology is applied to model and research the wireless vending machine system to model the business process and the logistics distribution process of the wireless system .

  11. 最终茅塞顿开要感谢他的助理,后者曾在机场无意中看到“出售”iPod的自动售货机。

    The " aha moment " came from his assistant , who came across an ipod-dispensing vending machine in an airport .

  12. 无聊大会过去讨论的话题包括打喷嚏、IBM收款机、烤面包、自动售货机的声音、条形码、海上天气预报,还有其它类似的没人感兴趣的话题。

    Past topics of discussion at the Boring Conference have included - sneezing , IBM tills , toast , vending machine sounds , barcodes , the Shipping Forecast and other such topics of no interest to anyone .

  13. AutobahnMotors的总经理GaryHong说,采用自动售货机的形式既是为了在土地资源紧张的新加坡充分利用空间,也是为了在竞争对手中脱颖而出。

    Gary Hong , general manager at Autobahn Motors , said the vending machine format was aimed at making efficient use of space in land-scarce Singapore as well as standing out from the competition .

  14. 在法国阿尔卑斯山区的首府城市格勒诺布尔市(Grenoble),一家名为ShortEdition的出版业初创公司在该市人流最密集的几处公共场所安置了8台免费短篇小说自动售货机。

    In Grenoble , France , a city known as the capital of the French Alps , a publishing start-up called Short É dition has installed eight free story-dispensing vending machines in some of its most popular public spaces .

  15. 日本自动售货机工业会(JVMA)会长竹田清昭(KiyoakiTakeda)表示,每一方都会在合作中受益良多。

    Each side , said Kiyoaki Takeda , the Chairman of the Japanese Vending Machine Manufacturers " Association , has much to gain from co-operation .

  16. 这本书倡导读者去限制自己阅读报纸的深度,保持只阅读那些能够在自动售货机内看清的头条,同时将自己的日程交给一个远在Bangalore的助理来打理。

    That book counsels readers to limit their newspaper reading to the headlines visible from vending machines and to outsource the management of their calendars and finances to a remote personal assistant in Bangalore .

  17. 去年十二月,二手车经销商AutobahnMotors建造了一个未来感十足、有15层楼高的展厅,配有60个汽车展示窗口,号称是“世界上最大的豪车自动售货机”。

    Used car seller Autobahn Motors opened a futuristic 15-story showroom in December , with vehicles on display in 60 slots , billing it as the " world 's largest luxury car vending machine . "

  18. 从自动售货机门封零件的要求和装配关系出发,利用Pro-E软件对该产品进行了初步的三维设计,利用快速原型制作了零件的树脂模型,经过评估后完成门封零件定型设计。

    From vending machine doors closed parts requirements and assemble relations perspective , the use of software products Pro-E preliminary 3D design , the use of rapid prototype parts resin models , after the completion of assessment doors closed parts stereotyped design .

  19. 你如何测试一个自动售货机的原型?

    How do you test the prototype of the vending machine ?

  20. 办公室的投币自动售货机售出的咖啡真是一点味道也没有。

    The vending machine in the office dispenses really tasteless coffee .

  21. 大部分食物依靠路边的自动售货机。

    Rely on street food vendors for most of your meals .

  22. 网络自动售货机数据库系统的设计

    Study on database system design for vending machine based on Net

  23. 一些城市已经禁止在学校的自动售货机里卖垃圾食物。

    Some cities have banned junk food in school vending machines .

  24. 酷自动售货机在日本,为推动智能车机。

    Cool vending machine created to promote Smart cars in Japan .

  25. 基于混合模式的自动售货机网络信息管理

    Network Information Management of Vending Machine Based on Mixed Mode

  26. 自动售货机门封零件的快速成型设计与制造

    Vending Machine Doors Closed Rapid Shaped Design and Manufacture of Spare Parts

  27. 自动售货机IC卡收费模块的设计与应用

    A solution and application of GPRS-based IC card model for Vending Machine

  28. 自动售货机的乌龙茶卖完了。

    The vending machine is selling out of Oolong tea .

  29. 变化是不可避免的,当然,自动售货机除外。

    Change is inevitable , except from a vending machine .

  30. 我径直走向那台红白相间的巨大的老自动售货机。

    I walked directly to the big old red-and-white dispenser .