
  • 网络My own business
  1. 我在穿马路呢,想着自己的事,这时我看到三位妇女朝我而来,真的很快,踩着滑轮溜冰鞋。

    I was crossing the street , minding my own business , when I saw three women coming toward me , really fast , on roller blades .

  2. 她让我只管自己的事。

    She told me to mind my own business .

  3. 用不着你来告诉我怎样管我自己的事。

    Don 't tell me how to manage my affairs .

  4. 他要乱花钱,那是他自己的事。

    If he wants to waste his money , that 's his lookout .

  5. 虽然战争在即,人们照常忙着自己的事。

    Despite the threat of war , people went about their business as usual .

  6. 现在你该把自己的事好好安排一下了。

    It 's time you got yourself sorted .

  7. 已达承诺年龄的成年人私下进行的活动是他们自己的事。

    What consenting adults do in private is their own business .

  8. 我自己的事自己管,不用其他人操心。

    My private affairs are no one 's business but my own .

  9. 如果她不想让警方介入,那是她自己的事。

    If she doesn 't want the police involved , that 's her business

  10. 吃过午饭,她照看着博比,听他说话,哄他说说自己的事。

    After lunch , she watched , listened and coaxed Bobby into talking about himself

  11. 如果他们想留下来打架,我想那是他们自己的事。

    If they want to stay and fight , then I guess that 's their affair .

  12. 阿比先生,在你教训我之前,我建议你先把自己的事管好。

    Before you lecture me , Mr Abbey , I suggest you set your house in order .

  13. 不上班的时候我可以做自己的事了。

    When off duty I can do my private work .

  14. 不要咕哝地抱怨,做你自己的事。

    Don 't mutter ; do your own business .

  15. 一旦他们这样做了,你就该停下来做你自己的事了。

    Once they do so , you should know that it 's time for you to stop and get on with your day .

  16. 你们从小就要树立劳动光荣的观念,自己的事自己做,他人的事帮着做,公益的事争着做。

    You should respect and honor hard work . Do your own work and be willing to help others as well as the public .

  17. 如果这是U2乐队自己的事,他们也许就不会像这样拿自己的声誉冒险了。

    If U2 had been at stake , they would not have taken the same risk with its reputation .

  18. 斯科特菲茨杰拉德(SCOTTFITZGERALD)曾经说过,拥有一流智商的标志,是能够同时在脑子里保留着两种矛盾的想法、却仍能做自己的事。

    The mark of a first-rate intelligence , Scott Fitzgerald wrote , is the ability to hold contradictory ideas in the mind at the same time and still function .

  19. 我们做自己的事,我们很开心。

    We do our own things and we are having fun .

  20. 你们应该在这做好你们自己的事。

    You boys should take care of your own business here .

  21. 其他人怎么说是他们自己的事。

    What other people said amongst themselves was their own affair .

  22. 那扇门后面发生的事乃是你自己的事。

    What went on behind that door was your own affair .

  23. 别担心那个,只管做好你自己的事。

    Don 't worry about it , just do your job .

  24. 你们俩!做你们自己的事去!

    You two ! Do your own stuff , will you ?

  25. 做你自己的事,你需要留些时间给自己。

    Do your own thing , you need time to yourself .

  26. 自己的事自己做,等待别人无指望。

    You must act instead of waiting to get things done .

  27. 她希望自己的事自己做主。

    She wants to be mistress of her own affairs .

  28. 这是我自己的事,是吧。

    It 's my own neck , so it is .

  29. 现在,他再次想要回头做点自己的事了。

    A confirmed solitary , he wanted something of his own again .

  30. 你就是不能只管自己的事,对不对?

    You just can 't mind your own business , can you ?