
zì zhì lǐnɡ
  • dominion;self-governing dominion
  1. 根据《不列颠北美法案》加拿大获得自治领地位。

    Canada became a Dominion by the British North America Act .

  2. 在弗吉尼亚州南部被称为老自治领。

    The southern state of Virginia is called the Old Dominion .

  3. 甚至有资格进入北欧理事会(NordicCouncil),这个跨政府组织的职责是促进五个北欧国家和三个自治领的政治、经济和文化合作。

    And perhaps even justify membership in the Nordic Council , an intergovernmental body that fosters political , economic and cultural cooperation among the five Nordic nations and three autonomous regions .

  4. 渥太华中央试验农场自治领树木园和植物园

    Dominion Arboretum and Botanic Garden , Central Experimental Farm

  5. 1867年《英国北美法案》确定加拿大为自治领。

    The British North America Act of 1867 established Canada as a dominion .

  6. 1922年爱尔兰自由国家成为不列颠的一个自治领。

    The Irish Free State came into being as a British dominion in 1922 .

  7. 论一战后英国与自治领关系的变化

    On the Change of the Relationship between Great Britain and the Dominions after World War I

  8. 20世纪初期,美国与加拿大自治领间的联系加强。

    The United States and Canada strengthened the links at the beginning of the 20th century .

  9. 自治领的兴起。

    The growth of dominions .

  10. 政治上,自治领获得了法律上的平等地位,英帝国逐渐转变成英联邦;

    On the political , Dominions got the equal position and the British Empire changed into the British Commonwealth gradually ;

  11. 1947年6月,印度决定以自治领身份独立,为这套方案实现提供了契机,英印关系得以初步重建。

    In June 1947 , India accepted Dominion status as the price of early independence , UK-India relations was rebuilt preliminarily .

  12. 19世纪60年代晚期加拿大自治领成立时,纽芬兰人曾就加入加拿大进行过讨论,但后来还是维持了独立国家的身份。

    There was discussion about joining Canada in the late 1860s when that dominion was launched , but it remained independent .

  13. 第一次世界大战后这些自治领自己签定和约,并以独立国家身分加入国际联盟。

    After World War I the dominions signed the peace treaties themselves and joined the League of Nations as independent states .

  14. 作为大英帝国失去美洲殖民地之后的首个自治领,纽芬兰事实上在1855年已取得独立。

    Newfoundland effectively became independent in 1855 as the first dominion of the British Empire after the loss of the American colonies .

  15. “自治领日:7月1日,加拿大全国以此日来纪念1867年加拿大自治领的成立.”

    " Dominion Day : July 1 , observed in Canada in commemoration of the formation of the Dominion in 1867 . "

  16. 从前,在纽黑文自治领星期天亲吻孩子是犯法的。

    Once upon a time , in the Dominion Of New Haven , it was illegal to kiss your children on Sunday .

  17. 1867年加拿大自治领的建立,是加拿大历史上的一个重要的政治事件。

    The Dominion of Canada was founded in 1867 , which was an important political event and governing principle in Canada history .

  18. 外交和防务方面,虽然自治领获得了独立的地位,但一些国家仍然存在着对英国的依赖。

    On the aspect of diplomacy and defense , although Dominions got the independent position , some nations still counted on Great Britain .

  19. 这个国家被称为加拿大自治领,但仍然是大英帝国的一个成员,效忠英国。

    The country was to be called the Dominion of Canada , but would still remain loyal to Britain as a member of the British Empire .

  20. 这是围绕哈得孙海湾的一块半圆形多石高低和高原,从魁北克省的北部海岸一直延伸到西北自治领的北极沿岸。

    The Canadian Shield is a semicircle band of rocky highlands and plateaus around the Hudson Bay from the northern shores of Quebec to the Arctic shores of the Northwest Territories .

  21. 加拿大通过19世纪30-40年代的改革运动、1867年自治领的建立、1914年参加第一次世界大战和战后外交活动,取得了主权国家的地位。

    Canada acquired its status as a nation with sovereignty through the reform movement in the 1830 - 1840s , establishment of Dominion in 1867 , participation of WWI and diplomatic activities after - wards .

  22. 加拿大(1867)、澳大利亚(1901)、纽西兰(1907)、南非联邦(1910)和爱尔兰自由邦(1921)分别获得自治领地位。

    Dominion status was given to Canada ( 1867 ), Australia ( 1901 ), New Zealand ( 1907 ), the Union of South Africa ( 1910 ), and the Irish Free State ( 1921 ) .

  23. 百慕大这个英国自治领同时也在承受着达到纪录高位的14亿美元债务的困扰,这是财政收入锐减所带来的结果,导致这种局面的原因不仅包括旅游业的萧条,还有百慕大第一产业—再保险行业的衰退。

    The British territory is also groaning under a record $ 1.4 billion in debt , the result of shrinking revenues not only from tourism but from the island 's largest business sector , reinsurance .

  24. 从第二章到第五章,是对加拿大公民教育发展分阶段的纵向的历史考察,阐述加拿大自建立自治领后直到现今公民教育的发生、发展及演变。

    From the second chapter to the fifth chapter , the analysis is done longitudinally on the development of Canadian citizenship education , which discusses the evolution of citizenship education since the establishment of the dominion until now .

  25. 巴格诺尔德拥有很大的自由权限,可以征召志愿者,他早就决定要征召自治领官兵,因为他认为这些人比英国人更能在沙漠里独立生存。

    Bagnold was given a free hand to call for volunteers and decided early on to look for more robust " colonial forces " that were coming into theater , assuming they would be more self reliant than British units .

  26. 到1900年英国已建立了日不落的大英帝国,包括受保护国、英国殖民地、势力范围和自治领,占世界人口与面积的25%。

    By 1900 , Britain had built up a big empire , on which the sun never set . It consisted of a vast number of protectorates , Crown colonies , spheres of influence , and self-governing dominions . It included 25 % of the world 's population and area .

  27. 1841年新西兰成为了英国的殖民地,1857年获得自治权,1907年成为自治领,1931年完全独立。

    New Zealand became a separate colony of Britain in 1841 , achieved self-government in 1857 , became a dominion under the British crown in 1907 and was made completely independent in 1931 .