
yīnɡ ɡuó yì huì
  • High Court of Parliament;parliament
  1. 当时谣言依然在英国议会和政府流传。

    The rumours were still circulating at Westminster .

  2. 即使在最好情况下,英国议会的程序也很费解。

    British Parliamentary procedure is perplexing at the best of times .

  3. 在英国议会中,几乎没有人对政府将会获胜存有怀疑。

    Few in Westminster doubt that the government will win the day .

  4. 人们已经对英国议会失去了信任。

    People have lost faith in the British Parliament .

  5. 英国议会在周三罕见的召开紧急辩论,讨论新闻国际集团(NewsInternational)的丑闻问题。

    The British parliament is holding a rare emergency debate on Wednesday on the scandal engulfing the media group News International .

  6. 第四部分……n.议会,国会在英国议会是立法机构。

    Part 4 ...... parliament Parliament is the lawmaking group in Great Britain .

  7. 在高盛(GoldmanSachs)事件的余波未尽之际,最近出版的英国议会财政委员会报告“金融城女性(WomenintheCity)”可谓恰逢其时。

    As the fall-out continues for Goldman Sachs , the recently published UK parliamentary Treasury committee report ," Women in the City ", makes timely reading .

  8. 英国议会上月投票取消“啤酒捆绑令”(BeerTie,译注:大酒吧公司向租入酒吧的店主独家供应啤酒的安排),正是这种奇怪的法律造成了如此不平等的租赁协议。

    British MPs last month voted to undo the " beer tie , " the legal quirk that permits such a lopsided landlord-tenant arrangement .

  9. 周三,戴蒙德将接受英国议会一个负责LIBOR丑闻调查的委员会的质询。

    On Wednesday , diamond will appear before a committee of Parliament investigating the LIBOR scandal .

  10. 伦敦现任市长鲍里斯•约翰逊(BorisJohnson)表示,他也希望让权力从英国议会转到伦敦市政厅。

    Boris Johnson , the present mayor , says he too wants power shifted from Westminster to City Hall .

  11. 英国议会委员会表示,将公布上周《星期日泰晤士报》(SundayTimes)提交的新证据。这家英国报纸去年曾对世界杯的申办过程进行过暗中调查。

    The committee said it would publish new evidence submitted last week by the Sunday Times , a British newspaper that last year carried out an undercover investigation into the World Cup bidding process .

  12. 在经历了极富戏剧性的一周后,鲁珀特默多克(rupertmurdoch)已向英国议会的意志俯首称臣。

    After a week of high drama , Rupert Murdoch has bowed to the will of the British Parliament .

  13. 英国议会可能是世界上LGBT最多的立法机构。

    It may be the most LGBT legislature in the world .

  14. 英国议会情报与安全委员会(IntelligenceandSecurityCommittee)未能找到华为被用作网络间谍活动载体的证据,但表示英国政府未能采取足够措施管理由海外承包开发的系统中存在的潜在风险。

    The intelligence and security committee found no evidence that Huawei was being used as a vehicle for cyber espionage , but said British authorities were not doing enough to manage the potential risks from systems sourced from abroad .

  15. 英国议会情报和安全委员会(IntelligenceandSecurityCommittee)出具的这份报告标志着华为数月内在欧洲遭遇第二次挫折。在美国和世界其它地区遭到政治阻力之后,欧洲市场对华为的重要性增加。

    The report by the Intelligence and Security Committee marks the second setback in as many months for the company in Europe , a market that has become more important as it runs into political roadblocks in the U.S. and elsewhere .

  16. 该运动承诺要为药品捐赠项目提供约8亿美元的资金,英国议会议员StephenO'Brien参加了发布会。

    The campaign promises almost eight hundred million dollars for drug donation programs . Stephen O'Brien , a member of the British Parliament , was at the launch .

  17. 英国议会下院外交事务特别委员会主席克里斯平布伦特(CrispinBlunt)表示,奥斯本较好地把握了平衡。

    Crispin Blunt , who chairs the Commons foreign affairs select committee , said Mr Osborne had got the balance right .

  18. 定期评审政治参与情况的英国议会议事录学会(HansardSociety)表示,目前只有30%的选民承认自己坚定地支持某个政党。

    The Hansard Society , which carries out a regular audit of political engagement , says only 30 per cent of voters will now admit a firm party allegiance .

  19. 英国议会下议院(HouseofCommons)特别委员会断定,巴特曼海利迪的个性“似乎迷住了本国一些最重量级的政治人物”,而高层的政治支持可能使得有心检举者畏缩不前。

    A House of Commons select committee concluded that Ms Batmanghelidjh 's personality " appeared to captivate some of the most senior political figures in the land , " and high-level political patronage may have deterred whistleblowers from coming forward .

  20. 英国议会一个委员会周四表示,在没有进行足够安全检查的情况下,中资企业华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologiesCo.)就成为英国电信业的主要供应商,这令英国容易受到网络攻击和政府支持间谍活动的骚扰。

    The U.K. has left itself vulnerable to cyberattacks and state-sponsored spying by allowing a Chinese company , Huawei Technologies Co. , to become a major player in Britain 's telecommunications industry without adequate security checks , a parliamentary committee said Thursday .

  21. 迈克尔马丁(MichaelMartin)是下议院议长以及英国议会最古老办公室之一的负责人。他被列为英国议员多年来滥用和从中渔利的报销和津贴制度的替罪羊。

    Michael Martin , the chairman of the Commons and holder of one of Westminster 's most ancient offices , was lined up as a fall-guy for a system of expenses and allowances which was exploited and abused by MPs for years .

  22. 奥赛尔向英国议会银行业标准委员会(parliamentarycommissiononbankingstandards)表示,瑞银正在全面整顿公司文化,并“将郑重其事地把诚信放在比盈利更重要的位置上”。

    Addressing the parliamentary commission on banking standards , Andrea orcel said UBS , which in December was fined $ 1.5bn for its involvement in rigging the LIBOR benchmark borrowing rate , was overhauling its culture and was " serious about putting integrity over profit " .

  23. 你通常不会从英国议会每周三举行的辩论或者称为首相答问(PMQs)中寻找启迪,但5月13日的辩论就发挥领导力的两种不同方法进行了有益的交流。

    The weekly punch-up that takes place at Westminster every Wednesday , otherwise known as prime minister 's questions ( PMQs ), is not the place you would normally look for enlightenment . But last week it provided an instructive exchange on two different approaches to leadership .

  24. 论中世纪晚期英国议会政治

    On the Parliamentary Politics of England in the late Middle Ages

  25. 这种议会制度是模仿了英国议会制度。

    The Parliamentary system is closely modeled on the Westminster system .

  26. 首先,弹劾是英国议会与王权进行斗争的产物;

    The impeachment resulted from the struggle of parliament and royalty .

  27. 英国议会议事录每天记录议会的进程。

    The proceedings of Parliament are published each day by Hansard .

  28. 封建时代英国议会的产生与发展

    On the Development of English Parliament in the Time of Feudalism

  29. 下议院是英国议会的一部分。

    The House of Commons is part of the British Parliament .

  30. 谈英国议会改革中和平变革的机制

    Comments on Mechanism of Peaceful Transition in British Parliamentary Reform