
  • 网络The Kingdom of England;England;England Kingdom
  1. 英格兰王国与苏格兰王国原是不列颠岛上两个比较大的独立政治实体。

    England and Scotland are used to be two large independent political bodies on the British Islands .

  2. 该章讨论在大法官法院中的衡平法诞生之前运行于英格兰王国中的其他法律&罗马法、教会法以及普通法及这些法律中蕴涵着的衡平理念和衡平规则。

    Before equity of the chancery came into being , common law , roman law and canon law had run in England , and they all had notions of equity and rules of equity .

  3. 读者可自行评判法兰西的英格兰王国是否像巴克女士所说的那样,的确比阿金库尔战役取得了“更伟大”的成就。

    Readers are left to decide whether the English Kingdom of France was really an " even greater " achievement than Agincourt , as Ms Barker contends .

  4. 伦敦为英格兰和联合王国的首都及最大城市。

    London is the capital and the largest city of both England and the United Kingdom .

  5. 英格兰和苏格兰是王国。

    England and Scotland are kingdoms .