
suō lüè cí
  • acronym
  1. 这些任务可以合称为ACID测试;ACID是Atomicity(原子性)、Consistency(一致性)、Isolation(隔离性)和Durability(持久性)的缩略词。

    These tasks can be collectively referred to as the ACID test ; ACID is an acronym for Atomicity , Consistency , Isolation , and Durability .

  2. 它能否提供坚实有力的成效?还是仅仅是另外一个以DD结尾的缩略词?

    Does it provide tangible benefits , or is it just another * DD acronym ?

  3. 缩略词在口语里比在书写中常见得多。

    Contractions are much more common in speech than in writing .

  4. 比如photo就是photograph的缩略词。

    For example , photo is the clipped word formed from photograph .

  5. 它已经拥有了自己的首字母缩略词——PDA。不久前,我和50多岁的叔叔在伦敦喝咖啡。

    I was recentlyin London sharing a coffee with my uncle , who 's in his 50s .

  6. 这份imf报告现在将框定相关辩论,而这不仅是因为其官僚们造出一个吸引媒体注意力的缩略词。

    The IMF report will now frame the debate , and not merely because its wonks came up with a headline-friendly acronym .

  7. 玛格丽特•撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)的经典缩略词T。

    Margaret Thatcher 's classic acronym T.

  8. 克朗斯塔特采用缩略词“Nickel”(即“小鬼”之意)命名新金属,汉语译名称为“镍”。

    The - nickel part of the term represents a pet form of the name Nikolaus , perhaps chosen for its resemblance to German nix ' water-sprite . "

  9. 缩略词也可以是省略后面几个音节,只保留前面,这种方法是最常见的,比如intro是introduction的缩略词。

    Clipped words can be back clipped , which is the most common type , and only the beginning is kept ; intro from introduction .

  10. Part1NASDAQ纳斯达克纳斯达克(NASDAQ)是全美证券交易协会自动报价系统的首字母缩略词。它是当今世界上最大的股票交易市场之一。

    For the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system , NASDAQ is one of the largest markets in the world for the trading of stocks .

  11. 同样,CBA也从三个字节的缩略词变为冗长的10个中文字,“中国男子职业篮球联赛”。

    Likewise , CBA goes from three syllables to10 in Chinese , a much wordier'China men 's basketball professional league .

  12. 像e.g.,i.e.和etc.虽然很常见,但是确实给一些人造成了阅读障碍。对那些英语非母语的人来说,他们可能对这些缩略词并不熟悉。

    Terms like eg , i.e. and etc. , while common , make reading difficult for some . Anyone who didn 't grow up speaking English may not be familiar with them .

  13. 也可以省略前面的单词,比如chute是parachute的缩略词。

    They can also be front clipped and in this case the back syllable is kept ; chute from parachute .

  14. 差不多10年前,奥尼尔决定开始将这些国家作为一个整体来考虑他用金砖(Bric)这个缩略词来称呼这些国家。

    And almost a decade ago , O'Neill decided to start thinking of them as a group which he gave the acronym Bric .

  15. 纳斯达克(NASDAQ)是全美证券买卖营业协会自动报价体系的首字母缩略词。它是当今天下上最年夜的股票买卖营业市场之一。

    NASDAQ , acronym for the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system , is one of the largest markets in the world for the trading of stocks .

  16. 词汇特征:新词的频繁出现,缩略词的使用,口语词、俚语和禁忌语的运臀石万士学位论文人l入卜11!

    Lexical features : frequent occurrence of neologisms , common use of acronyms , the use of colloquial items , slang and taboo words , abundant use of stylistically humorous words .

  17. 在匿名聊天室聊天的年轻人经常使用类似GNOC(在镜头前脱光)、ASL(年龄,性别,地点)这样的词,有了这部词典,就能“破译”这些缩略词了。

    The language guide decodes terms such as GNOC ( get naked on camera ) and ASL ( age , sex , location ) which are often used by youngsters using anonymous chat rooms .

  18. 鱼的希腊语(Ichthys)代表“耶稣基督,上帝的儿子,救主”的希腊首字母缩略词。

    The Greek word for fish ( Ichthys ) was used as an acronym whose initials in Greek stood for " Jesus Christ , Son of God , Savior " .

  19. 英语中的缩写和缩略词汉字记号化研究

    Abbreviation and Abbreviated Words in English Chinese Characters Signifying Trend Research

  20. 在第二课里出现了一些缩略语和首字母的缩略词。

    In the lesson , some abbreviations and acronyms are used .

  21. 论笔记中的符号和缩略词对提高连传质量的有效性

    The Effectiveness of Symbols and Abbreviations in Note-taking of Consecutive Interpreting

  22. 标题中大量使用简短小词和缩略词;

    Midget words and acronyms are widely used in headlines ;

  23. 英汉口译中缩略词的处理

    A Treatment of Acronyms in Interpretation from English into Chinese

  24. 第三类词是在汉语中直接出现的英语缩略词。

    The third is the English Acronym in Chinese language .

  25. 汉语中的外来缩略词分析

    On the Regularization of Borrowed Foreign Words On the Borrowed Initialisms in Chinese

  26. 我不太清楚那些缩略词。

    I don 't know all of the acronyms .

  27. 你有注意到中国人过度使用缩略词了吗?

    Have you noticed that Chinese people overuse acronyms n.

  28. 英汉网络新闻标题中缩略词使用对比研究

    A Comparative Study of Abbreviations Used in Net News Headlines in English and Chinese

  29. 首字母缩略词'潜水'代表价值发动机的资料。

    The acronym'DOVE'stands for Document Of Value Engine .

  30. 在社会文化方面,中德网络语言差异性一方面表现在缩略词上。

    As for the culture and society , the differences are firstly the acronyms .