
shěnɡ lüè jù
  • elliptical sentence
  1. 这种句式,完全符合省略句的条件,并非语言结构中的零形式。

    Actually it belongs to elliptical sentence rather than the zero form in language structure .

  2. 本论文首先通过对山东建筑工程学院计算机系2001级的24名学生进行问卷调查得到汉语查询语句的四种句型,分别为:祈使句、疑问句、省略句和多语句。

    This system firstly gives four types of Chinese query sentences through the investigation paper , which includes the imperative sentence , the question , the elliptical sentence and the multiple sentence . The investigated objects are 24 students of the Computer Department of Shandong Architecture Institute .

  3. 基于汉语上下文语境模型CCM,本文研究了汉语事件时间信息的分析、主语省略句的处理和名词短语的定指性判定问题。

    With the context knowledge in CCM , we research on temporal information analysis of Chinese events , subject ellipsis resolution of Chinese sentences and defmiteness judgment of Chinese noun phrases .

  4. 如果是言语句,那么,省略句和倒装句,不扣分;

    If general spoken sentences contain ellipsis or inversion , not deduct ;

  5. 省略句,无论是不是骑士,这都是我的职责。

    It 's my duty , knight or not .

  6. 英语省略句的用法及其汉译

    On English Ellipsis and It 's Chinese Meaning

  7. 英语中省略句出现的频率甚高,且以特定语境下的省略见多。

    Elliptical sentences are frequently seen in english , especially in some particular situations .

  8. 并列结构中动词短语省略句的重新分类研究

    A Reclassification of VP Ellipsis in Coordinate Sentences

  9. 论汉语动词省略句中不同允准词的层次结构

    Hierarchical Structure of Different Licensers in Chinese VP-Ellipsis

  10. 其研究的焦点主要集中在汉语是否具有与英语相对应的动词短语省略句。

    The focus is whether Chinese VP ellipsis can be analyzed as English VP ellipsis .

  11. 英语省略句校园流行语

    Ellipsis in English Language On Campus Catchwords

  12. 本文简要地叙述了英语省略句的用法及其汉译。

    This article just describes the usages of English ellipsis and how to translate it into Chinese .

  13. 语言习得者对省略句中代词的理解是不可以随心所欲的,而是要受到一些条件的限制。

    Language learners'interpretation of pronouns in elliptical constructions is not arbitrary , but restricted by some constraints .

  14. 用合作原则理论分析汉语口语中省略句的会话含义

    Analysis of the Conversational Implicature of Elliptic Utterances in Spoken Chinese from the Perspective of Cooperative Principle

  15. 在句法上,英语招聘广告中短句子、短语、省略句、祈使句和缩略语大量存在,而时态大多为现在时和将来时。

    Linguistically , short sentences , phrases , elliptical sentences and abbreviations are prevalent in job advertisements .

  16. 英语省略句

    Ellipsis in English Language

  17. 俄语口语语篇中的情境省略句及其语用推理

    The ommission of language situation in the text of oral Russian and its pragmatic inference ; matrix sentence

  18. 动词短语省略句自上个世纪七十年代以来,一直都是生成语法学中研究的热点问题。

    VP ellipsis in Chinese came to be discussed in the latest thirty years and many researches have studied on this topic .

  19. 在句子层面上,问句、假拟分裂句、祈使句和省略句是体现作者与潜在读者间对话的有效手段;

    At sentence level , interrogatives , pseudo-cleft structure , imperatives and elliptical sentences are effective embodiments of dialogues between writers and potential readers .

  20. 以最大限度追求瞬时效应为目的,商用广告英语在句法上以简单句,省略句和祈使句的超常使用为特色。

    Syntactically , Commercial Advertising English characterizes in the extra employments of simple , elliptical and imperative sentences in pursuit of the maximal instant effect .

  21. 随后分析了介词和代词、数量词、动词等词类之间的语义关系以及省略句中介词的语义处理。

    Third , the semantic processing of preposition in abbreviation sentence and the semantic relationship of prepositions among pronoun , quantifiers , collection substantive are introduced .

  22. 对话是口语语篇最基本的形式,口语语篇中的情境省略句主要体现在对话中。

    Dialogue is the basic form of the text of colloquial language and elliptical sentences with the language situation left out is mainly seen in dialogue .

  23. 在进行省略句理解的时候,本文提出了在语义分析时进行省略判定的原则,根据概念的内涵外延,以及概念之间关系等对省略现象进行了恢复研究,经过初步测试,取得一定的成果。

    In the ellipsis sentences understanding , the ellipsis phenomenon was determined at the semantic analysis , and was realized its recover based on concept , connotation , extension , concept relations .

  24. 考察了泰国勉语的单句和复句。单句既包括动词性谓语句、形容词性谓语句、名词性谓语句,又包括无主句、省略句和独词句。

    This chapter describe and analysis of simple sentences and complex sentences . Simple sentences include verbal-predicate , adjectival-predicate , nominal-predicate sentences , sentences with no subjects , elliptical sentences and one-member sentences .

  25. 偏口语化风格的流行体用词方面以口语词为主(包括方言词、语气词、流行词),句式方面多用口语句式(包括简单句、省略句、变序句)。

    Colloquial types use oral words spoken words ( including dialect words , modal particles and fashion words ) and spoken sentence ( including simple sentence , ellipsis and variable order sentence ) .

  26. 通过简单句、并列句和复合句等几个方面的典型例证,阐述了不同结构的英语省略句在翻译时的不同特点和规律。

    This paper presents different typical examples in simple sentences , compound sentences and complex sentences , through which certain features and rules of different kinds of elliptical sentences are demonstrated for the sake of accurate translation .

  27. 本文从中国英语学习者对英语省略句中代词的理解这一角度出发,探讨了普遍语法在二语习得中的可及性问题。

    This thesis is intended to explore the accessibility of Universal Grammar ( UG ) in second language acquisition ( SLA ) from the perspective of Chinese-speaking English learners ' interpretation of pronouns in English elliptical constructions .

  28. 首先考虑到在中文的语法结构中,一个句子由主谓宾构成,尤其在口语话的语句中,还会有很多省略句,这些句子通常只有主语和谓语或仅仅只有谓语。

    Firstly , in the grammatical structure of Chinese , a sentence is composed by subject 、 predicate 、 object , and especially in the oral statement , there are a lot of elliptical sentences which are composed by subject and predicate , or predicate only .

  29. 其次,以隐喻的分析为基础,本文进一步论述了部分具有隐喻基础的明喻和词的新奇搭配以及部分省略句能触发一系列弱隐含的产生,即触发诗意效果。

    Secondly , based on the analysis of metaphors , the study presents that the following linguistic forms can trigger poetic effects , including creative metaphors , similes based on creative metaphors and part of novel co-occurrences of lexical items , and unfinished sentences which interest the audience .

  30. 因果复句中表原因分句通过转化与省略形成因果句,如果表原因与结果分句都发生转化与省略,则会形成含因果关系的词的形式。

    So , it can form the cause effect word , if the transformation and ellipsis occur in the effect clause .