  • economize;save;mit;leave out
  • province

  • examine oneself critically;visit;become conscious;be aware
  • 地方行政区域:~份。~会。

  • 节约,不费:~钱。~事。~吃俭用。

  • 简易,减免:~略。~称。~写。

  • 中国古官署名:中书~(a.魏晋开始设置,总管国家政务,历代有所沿革,唐初设“中书、尚书、门下”三省共管政事;b.元代“中书省”兼管“尚书省”的职权,权更重,成为中央最高的官署,称地方最高行政官署为“行中书省”,简称“省”,是现在“省”的来历)。尚书~。门下~。秘书~。

  • 古代称王宫禁地:~中。~闼(禁中)。

  • 检查:反~(检查自己)。~察(考察)。吾日三~吾身。

  • 知觉,觉悟:~悟。发人深~。

  • 看望父母、尊亲:~亲。~视。


(俭省; 节约) economize; save:

  • 能省的就省

    economize wherever possible;

  • 省掉不少麻烦

    save a lot of trouble;

  • 省时间

    save time;

  • 省着点用

    use sparingly;

  • 雷锋一向节省, 这笔钱是他从津贴中省下来的。

    Lei Feng, always thrifty, had saved this sum from his allowances.


(免掉; 减去)mit; leave out:

  • 省一道工序

    eliminate one step from the process;

  • 这个句子可以省去。

    This sentence can be omitted.


(行政区划单位, 直属中央) province:

  • 河北省

    Hebei Province;

  • 省人民代表大会

    provincial people's congress;

  • 省长

    governor of a province


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 省臧

    Sheng Zang


(检查自己的思想行为) examine oneself critically:

  • 反省

    make a self-examination; introspect;

  • 内省

    be critical of oneself


(探望; 问候) visit (esp. one's parents or elders):

  • 归省

    go home to pay respects to one's parents;

  • 省墓

    visit relative's grave


(醒悟; 明白) become conscious; be aware:

  • 不省人事

    lose consciousness

  1. 真理是我们最宝贵的东西,让我们省着用。

    Truth is the most valuable thing we have let us economize it .

  2. 一旦你想出了从哪里省,那么可以能在“预计”一列填入数字。

    Once you 've figured out where to economize , you can enter amounts in the Expected column of the budget .

  3. 权力已移交给省和地区议会。

    Power has been handed over to provincial and regional assemblies .

  4. 我步行上班,可以省车钱。

    I save on fares by walking to work .

  5. 在讲法语的魁北克省境内也有少数说英语、母语非法语或英语的加拿大人以及土著。

    Within French-speaking Quebec , anglophone , allophone and Aboriginal minorities also exist .

  6. 该省森林茂密,人烟稀少。

    The province is heavily forested and sparsely populated .

  7. 及早订票,可省50英镑!

    Book early and save £ 50 !

  8. 你会省下五十元钱,这就够好了,对吧?

    You 'll save fifty dollars , which can 't be bad , can it ?

  9. 这应该可以帮你省下许多钱。

    This should save you shedloads .

  10. 这个球是由一种天然纤维——省藤制成的。

    The ball is made of rattan — a natural fibre .

  11. 这4个省被严重的家族和部族纷争弄得四分五裂。

    The four provinces are riven by deep family and tribal conflicts

  12. 省下来的钱可以用于更有意义的事业。

    The money saved could be used for more deserving causes .

  13. 公司试图从供货商那里再省下一笔费用。

    The company intends to squeeze further savings from its suppliers .

  14. 他们自豪地宣布成为新自治省的一部分。

    They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province .

  15. 冬天眼看就要到了,他们不得不把蜡烛省着用。

    They had to conserve the candles now with winter upon them .

  16. 省议会对所有的经济救助请求都充耳不闻。

    The provincial assembly were deaf to all pleas for financial help .

  17. 魁北克省颁布法令,强制所有移民将子女送进法语学校就读。

    Quebec mandated that all immigrants send their children to French schools .

  18. 该省的经济比较特殊,因为它的规模特别小。

    The economy of the province was atypical because it was particularly small

  19. 他在20世纪70年代末担任该省的省长。

    He was governor of the province in the late 1970s

  20. 6名新成员已经正式加入省内阁班子。

    Six new members have been inducted into the Provincial Cabinet

  21. 最近的安全泊地在新斯科舍省的哈利法克斯。

    The nearest safe anchorage was in Halifax , Nova Scotia

  22. 对这种不幸境况负有直接责任的人是该省的省长。

    The man immediately responsible for this misery is the province 's governor

  23. 商品促销与产品折扣同样意味着可能会省下一大笔钱。

    Trade and product discounts can also mean big savings

  24. 我会设法替他省下要从珀斯飞来的机票费用。

    I 'll try to save him the expense of a flight from Perth

  25. 在紧张局势连续数周恶化后,这个省于一个月前遭到了袭击。

    The province was attacked a month ago after weeks of simmering tension .

  26. 让人感觉在这个省讲英语的人是没有前途的。

    It 's felt there 's no future for Anglophones in the province .

  27. 该省因受种族冲突困扰而失控。

    Beset by ethnic strife , the province remains ungovernable

  28. 那些离开该省出国打工的人大部分都未经专门训练。

    Most of those who left the province to work abroad were unskilled .

  29. 他们觉得魁北克省受到了不公平的待遇。

    They feel that Quebec is getting a raw deal

  30. 应当鼓励孩子们省下一部分零花钱来买圣诞礼物。

    Encourage children to put aside some of their pocket-money to buy Christmas presents .