
dēng jì
  • registration;register;check in;enroll;enroll in;entry;enter one's name
登记 [dēng jì]
  • [register;check in] 载入正式记录

  • 在名单上登记

登记[dēng jì]
  1. 先生,请在酒店登记簿上签字好吗?

    Could you sign the hotel register please , sir ?

  2. 他们于1927年4月7日在帕丁顿登记处注册结婚。

    They were married on 7 April 1927 at Paddington Register Office .

  3. 缴付全数登记费用方可进入。

    Entry is only allowed on payment of the full registration fee .

  4. 给我登记预订三张星期六的票。

    Put me down for three tickets for Saturday .

  5. 我们已经在旅馆登记入住。

    We 've checked in at the hotel .

  6. 她正式登记为伤残者。

    She is officially registered disabled .

  7. 大约2,600万人没有在牙医处登记。

    About 26 million people are not registered with a dentist .

  8. 人们必须以书信方式重新登记机动车辆。

    People had to renew their motor vehicle registrations through the mail

  9. 我只好于星期一办理了领取失业救济金的登记。

    I had to sign on the dole on Monday .

  10. 还没有宣布登记的截止日期。

    The cut-off date for registering is yet to be announced

  11. 房子登记在她而不是她丈夫的名下。

    The house is registered in her name , not her husband 's.

  12. 它同意成立一个中央武器销售登记处。

    It agreed to set up a central registry of arms sales .

  13. 至少有62%的登记选民参加了投票。

    The turnout was at least 62 percent of registered voters

  14. 登记员核对未来投票人的身份证。

    Registrars checked the ID cards of prospective voters .

  15. 他未以真名在居民名册上登记。

    He was not listed under his real name on the residents panel .

  16. 他们强烈呼吁实行犬类强制登记。

    They have campaigned strongly for compulsory registration of dogs

  17. 他们拆掉户籍登记处后,那里留下了一片空地。

    They 'd pulled the registry office down which then left an open space

  18. 这些东西从未进行过妥善登记,也没有贴标签标注。

    The stuff has never been properly logged and labelled

  19. 这项统计数据显然没有披露未登记的罪案。

    The statistics don 't reveal of course unrecorded crime

  20. 他把她带到监狱,在那里对她提取了指纹并进行了登记。

    He took her to jail , where she was fingerprinted and booked .

  21. 巴拿马城的公共注册处把所有公司的登记信息都存入了电脑。

    The public registry in Panama City keeps computerized records of all companies .

  22. 更为严格的救济金申领规定将很多人剔除出了失业登记表。

    Tighter rules for benefit entitlement have knocked many people off the unemployment register .

  23. 艺术品失窃登记处已经将这些艺术品的描述信息输入到计算机里。

    Descriptions of the pieces have been logged on computer by the Art Loss Register

  24. 详细登记你的个人物品,在重要物品上标明你的姓名和邮编。

    Itemise your gear and mark major items with your name and post code .

  25. 所有游客都必须到英国大使馆登记。

    All visitors should register with the British Embassy

  26. 如果就业后未注销领取失业救济金的登记视为触犯法律。

    If you work without signing off the dole you are breaking the law .

  27. 他在职业介绍中心办理了失业登记。

    He has signed on at the job centre

  28. 彻尼1945年在该大学登记入学。

    Cherny was enrolled at the University in 1945

  29. 登记表显示他的出生日期是1979年8月2号。

    The registration form showed his date of birth as August 2 , 1979 .

  30. 登记选民数量的上升意味着许多人将第一次参加投票。

    With the high voter registration , many will be voting for the first time .