
  • 网络basic population
  1. 第三部分为被调查者的基本人口统计特征情况,研究内容包括被调查者的学历水平、年龄、收入、性别等。

    The third part is the respondent demographics . It includes respondents ' gender , age , income , education level .

  2. 通过对于国有企业和私营企业工作满意度、组织承诺、可选择工作机会的主观感知和基本人口统计变量的对比实证研究,我们归纳了国有企业和私营企业员工离职倾向的不同构成模型。

    Through the analysis the relation between Job satisfaction , organizational commitment , perceived alternative work opportunities and turnover intention , we conclude the different mode of turnover intention under state-owned enterprises and private enterprises .

  3. 森林凋落物覆盖层对林地土壤CO2排放起到减缓的屏蔽作用;在全球基本按人口和新增碳汇量分配CO2排放权不可避免,碳汇单位和碳源单位之间的碳交易同样不可避免。

    The trend of the increasing personal assignment of CO2 and newly-increased carbon is unavoidable at the earth , and the carbon trade between the carbon source units and the carbon rate unit is unavoidable too .

  4. 同样,如果缺乏运转良好的卫生系统,我们甚至不可能获取关于发病率和死亡率的最基本的人口数据。

    Again , in the absence of well-functioning health systems , we are unlikely to get even the most basic population data on morbidity and mortality .

  5. 我们人口的老龄化,是因为在西欧和西北欧出生率比其他地方下降得早,百不是因为死亡率发生了一些变化。对这一观点经常有人不以为然,但这是通过基本的人口统计学澄清的事实。

    There is often resistance to the idea that it is because the birthrate fell earlier in Western and Northwestern Europe than elsewhere , rather than because of any change in the death rate , that we have grown so old . But this is what elementary demography makes clear .

  6. 从影响粮食消费的基本要素,人口与人口结构、人均GDP、人均粮食生产、饮食习惯、科技水平、粮食价格等,通过通径分析研究分析影响粮食消费的主要因素。

    The theory analyzes the main related factors affected food consumption through path analysis , which include population and demographic structure , the per capita GDP , per capita food production , eating habits , technological level , food prices and so on .

  7. 美国数据并不能很好地代表全世界,但基本道理——人口数量会在继续上涨一段时间后持平,年轻人对Facebook的接纳程度决定了这个网站的成功与否——不管在什么地方大致都是一样的。

    The US isn 't a perfect model of the world , but the basic dynamics - young people 's Facebook adoption determines the site 's success or failure while population growth continues for a while and then levels off - will probably hold approximately true .

  8. 同时,世行也支持目前仍缺乏基本服务的人口享用基本供水与卫生服务。

    But the Bank also supports access to basic services for the many still lacking .

  9. 文章认为构成清末民国时期新疆社会的最基本要素是人口和民族。

    The article holds that the essential factor constructing the Xinjiang society in late Qing period is population and nationality .

  10. 我国土地利用的基本国情是人口多、人均耕地少,而且耕地后备资源不足。

    Population , cultivated land per capita less and cultivated land reserve resources shortage is our county land use basic national conditions .

  11. 以色列政府不仅基本满足了人口增长对水资源的需要,而且保持了经济稳定增长。

    Basically meet the needs of the Government of Israel not only of population growth on water resources needs , and has maintained a steady economic growth .

  12. 不均衡性是人口与经济分布的最基本属性,人口与经济的空间集中化是区域发展的内在规律。

    Imbalance is the most fundamental property of the distribution of population and economy and their tending to develop intensively in space is internal law of regional development .

  13. 经济城市化是城市化的客观基础和发展动力,空间城市化是城市化的基本条件,人口城市化是城市化的主要结果。

    Economic urbanization is the objective basis and development engine of urbanization . Spatial urbanization is the basic condition of urbanization . Demographic urbanization is the main result of urbanization .

  14. “发展市场”今年的目标是为企业家提供400万美元的赠款,以支持他们找到新的、低成本的方法,为仍然缺乏基本服务的人口提供用水、卫生和能源服务。

    This year , the Development Marketplace is looking to give US $ 4 million to entrepreneurs to find new , low-cost ways to bring water , sanitation and energy to people still lacking these basic services .

  15. 《中国农村初级卫生保健发展纲要(2001-2010年)》实施进度评估国家级复核指标基本框架中国人口健康基本保障方案的评价&农村初级卫生保健的经验和教训

    Basic framework of indicators for a national re-check on the progress of national PHC guideline ( 2001-2010 ) Evaluation of Security Project of Chinese Population Health : The Experiences and Lessons for Implementation of PHC Project in China Rural

  16. 这些措施,对提高扶贫资金使用效益、如期实现基本解决贫困人口温饱问题的目标发挥了关键作用。

    These measures have played a key role in improving the utilization benefits of the aid-the-poor funds and in realizing the objective of basically solving the problem of food and clothing of the poor according to the required schedule .

  17. 文章在归集、评述国内外相关研究成果的基础上,应用城市化的基本理论和人口迁移的普遍规律,观察城市化进程中的昆明人口迁移特征。

    On the basis of collecting and analyzing relevant research results from home and abroad , this dissertation applies basic theory of urbanization and common principles of population transfer to observe the characteristics of population transfer in Kunming during the process of urbanization .

  18. 基本上,随着人口不断的增加,我们养的牛已经远远不够吃了。

    Basically , with the ever increasing population , we simply cannot raise enough cows to feed all these folks .

  19. 社会法律体系的整体背景,其中应包含各国最为基本而原初的人口状况和法律机构相关背景。

    General background of the socio-legal system , including very basic and fundamental background on the countries'demographics and legal institutions .

  20. 因此,防治荒漠化的基本对策是控制人口增长和通过防治与开发并重来促进地方经济的发展,进而富民。

    Strategy for combating desertification is to control population increase and to alleviate poverty through both developing economy and protecting environment .

  21. 所以,长期坚持实行计划生育这一基本国策是实现人口、资源、环境协调发展的重要保证。为此,必须要统一认识,增强控制人口的危机感和责任感;

    So , longterm persistence in practising family planning is the important guarantee for the coordinative development of population , resources and environment .

  22. 提出了促进可持续发展的资源环境对策,包括:贯彻计划生育基本国策,减缓人口对环境的压力;

    Resources and environment countermeasures to promote sustainable development are proposed , including : control population increase , reduce population 's pressure to environment ;

  23. 笔者在这部分详细阐述了河南省人口空间动态特征研究的基本理论,即人口地理学、空间自相关、地理信息系统。

    In this part , the basic theories of the paper , which are population geography , spatial autocorrelation and GIS , are narrated .

  24. 联合国千年发展目标计划要求到2015年让无法获得安全饮用水和基本卫生设施的人口数量减半。

    According to the Millennium Development Goals , the number of people without access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation should be halved by2015 .

  25. 现代化的一个基本特点就是农业人口不断下降,农村富余劳动力的转移,符合现代化发展的基本趋势。

    A basic characteristic in the modernization process is that the agriculture population keeps dropping , so the shift seems conforming to the modernization development tendency .

  26. 人口地理学基本理论分为人口地域分布、人口素质和人口结构三部分内容,地理信息系统原理则从空间分析和空间可视化模拟技术两方面展开论述。

    Thereinto , population geography includes population distribution , population quality as well as population structure , and GIS contains spatial analysis as well as space visualization .

  27. 中国自70年代开始实行计划生育基本国策以来,人口出生率和自然增长率逐年下降。

    Since the introduction of the basic national policy of family planning , China 's population birth rate and natural growth rate declined on an annual basis .

  28. 力争用三年时间,建立健全新机制,基本实现全国流动人口计划生育工作一盘棋。

    Strive for three years , establishing a new mechanism , the basic implementation of national population and family planning work " a board of chess " .

  29. 近年来,我国医疗保险法制度取得了长足的发展,基本解决了城镇人口的看病问题。

    In recent years , our country medical insurance method system has obtained the considerable development , basically solved the urban population to see a doctor the question .

  30. 本研究调查了当前我国机动车驾驶员侵犯驾驶行为的基本状况,以及人口统计学上的特征。

    This study was aimed at investigating the exhibition of aggressive driving behavior of automobile driver in China , and examining the demographic factors relating to aggressive driving .