
  1. 人们对城镇化蓝图的构筑范围不断扩大,从新的商业区发展到经济开发区,再发展到地图上从未有过的新城市。

    The scope of urban ambition today ranges from new business districts to special economic zones to entirely new cities never before on the map .

  2. Urbanization|城镇化中国倡导在APEC开展城镇化领域的合作。

    China advocates cooperation of urbanization at APEC .

  3. APEC各成员将就经济改革、新经济、创新增长、包容性支持和城镇化等五大支柱领域展开交流对话,发掘亚太新一轮经济增长的新动力。

    APEC members will discuss key fields such as economic reforms , innovation and urbanization . They will explore new momentum for regional growth .

  4. 加强新型城镇化建设,大力提升县城公共设施和服务能力,新开工改造城镇老旧小区3.9万个

    Strengthen the development of a new type of urbanization , improving public facilities and services in county seats and beginning the renovation communities .

  5. 但在第三个阶段,两县经济发展的差异在GDP、人均GDP及其增长率、人民生活水平、基础设施建设及城镇化水平等方面表现出来,并不断扩大。

    While in the third period , the difference between two towns is more and more expanding , which shows on GDP , per capita GDP and the growth rate , the standard of living , infrastructure project and the level of urbanization , etc.

  6. 因此,城镇化就成为解决上述三个问题的核心之所在。

    Hence , urbanization becomes the core of these three problems .

  7. 城镇化进程中的教育需求预测分析

    Demand for Education in the Urbanization Process : Prediction and Analysis

  8. 城镇化发展战略与城市体制创新

    The strategy of urbanization and the innovation of urban management system

  9. 论在土地复垦中推进农村城镇化建设的可行性

    Discussions on the feasibility of accelerating rural urbanization during land reclamation

  10. 第六,新疆特色城镇化的路径选择。

    The sixth , the path selection of urbanization in Xinjiang .

  11. 国家级贫困县城镇化建设

    The State - Level Poverty - Stricken County and Its Urbanization

  12. 西部地区农村城镇化与人居环境建设

    Rural Urbanization and Environmental Construction of the West Regions of China

  13. 水环境约束下的干旱区绿洲城镇化

    Analysis of effect of dry land water environment on oasis urbanization

  14. 城镇化对农民增收的作用

    The Effect of Urbanization on the Increasing of Farmer 's Income

  15. 第三部分:农业产业化和农村城镇化相互作用的实证分析。

    The positive analysis of agricultural industrialization and urbanization in rural area .

  16. 加快城镇化进程提高经济竞争力

    Accelerate the progress of urbanisation and improve the economic competitiveness

  17. 农村工业化、城镇化是城镇实现现代化的必然选择,但是农村工业化、城镇化进程中生态环境问题日益严重,已经成为城镇社会全面进步的限制因素。

    Rural industrialization and urbanization is the essential choice in town modernization .

  18. 就业结构偏差与我国城镇化战略选择

    Deviation of Employment Structure & Strategic Selection of the Development of Town

  19. 关于加快实施民族地区城镇化战略的思考

    Reflections on Stepping up Implementing the Strategy of Urbanization of Ethnic Area

  20. 关于湖南农村城镇化发展的思考

    The development pathway and current status of the rural urbanization of Hunan

  21. 论民族地区城镇化建设中教育事业的发展

    On the Development of Education in Urbanization of Ethnic Regions

  22. 农村城镇化研究述评

    A brief narrative comment on the study of rural urbanization

  23. 是否会影响到我国当前的城镇化进程?

    Will it affect the current urbanization process in China ?

  24. 实施农村城镇化发动主体的多元化战略。

    And carry out diversified strategy of subjects which accelerate rural urbanization .

  25. 安徽农村城镇化模式研究

    Analysis on the Urbanization Pattern in the Rural Area of Anhui Province

  26. 转变消费观念,促进农村城镇化建设

    Change the Consumption Notion and Promote Rural Urbanization Construction

  27. 犍为县城镇化发展趋势及其用地需求分析

    Developing Trend of Urbanization and Requirement Analysis of Land Use in Qianwei County

  28. 公路网规划中关于城镇化问题的思考

    A Consideration of Urbanization Issues in Highway Network Planning

  29. 湖南省城镇化过程中非农产业发展存在的问题分析

    Problem of the Non - Agriculture development during the Urbanization of Hunan Province

  30. 关中地域历史文脉考论基于集群创导的关中城镇化发展探讨

    Development discussion of urbanization in the central Shaanxi plain base on Cluster Initiative