
  • 网络Bab-el-Mandeb;Bab el Mandeb;Bab el Mandeb Strait;Strait of Bab el-Mandeb;Bab el-Mandab
  1. 这场战火引发了人们对于也门和吉布提之间的曼德海峡(Babel-Mandebstrait)脆弱性的担忧,美国能源部认为这里是全球石油市场一个潜在的阻塞点。

    The fighting has raised concerns about the vulnerability of the Bab el-Mandeb strait between Yemen and Djibouti , which has been identified by the US Department of Energy as a potential chokepoint in the global oil market .

  2. 控制着曼德海峡的那个小国家。

    The tiny country commanding the BAB al mandab straits .

  3. 但分析师们表示,也门冲突双方都没有足以对曼德海峡的油轮构成严重威胁的那种武器。

    But analysts say neither side in the Yemen conflict has the kind of weaponry that would pose a serious threat to tankers in the Bab el-Mandeb .