
  • 网络Manhattan;The Manhattan Project
  1. 美国国土安全部部长迈克尔切尔托夫(michaelchertoff)已初步制定了it安全的“曼哈顿计划”(manhattanproject)方案,包括在政府和私营部门间实现信息共享。

    Michael Chertoff , US Homeland Security Secretary , has outlined plans for a " Manhattan Project " for it security involving the sharing of information between government and the private sector .

  2. 就像曼哈顿计划一样你在听我说话吗?

    Like the Manhattan project . Are you listening to me ?

  3. 他批准了曼哈顿计划。

    He gave the go-ahead for the Manhattan project .

  4. 这个新定律导致了曼哈顿计划和第一颗原子弹。

    This new law led to the Manhattan Project and the first atom bomb .

  5. 钱学森还参与曼哈顿计划,研发了第一颗原子弹。

    Qian also participated in the Manhattan Project , which developed the first atomic bomb .

  6. 美国通过曼哈顿计划成功研制出了核武器

    The United States had developed a couple of atomic weapons through the Manhattan Project ,

  7. 我觉得在人工智能问题上,我们需要一个“曼哈顿计划”。不是用于讨论如何制造人工智能,

    I think we need something like a Manhattan Project on the topic of artificial intelligence .

  8. 1942年曼哈顿计划:一支由恩里科·费尔米率领下的小组启动了第一条自给核反应链。

    1942-Manhattan Project : A team led by Enrico Fermi initiate the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction .

  9. 可以借鉴系曼哈顿计划里怎么制造淡水,找个便宜点儿的办法。

    Sort of a Manhatten Project for making fresh water to find a cheap way to do this .

  10. 并与美国曼哈顿计划进行对比,分析总结工程中的组织结构和权力与组织传播的关系。

    Compared with the U.S. Manhattan Project , analyze and summarize the project organizational structure and power relations and organizational communication .

  11. 日本的核危机使人们对核相关的博物馆和工业产生了兴趣,对一度机密的曼哈顿计划核设施和核灾难留下的荒地也兴趣大增。

    The crisis in Japan has boosted interest in nuclear-related museums and plants , once-secret Manhattan Projectcomplexes and areas laid waste by disaster .

  12. 他开玩笑说,要建造一台智能电脑需要“1.8个爱因斯坦外加曼哈顿计划十分之一的资源”。

    An intelligent computer , he quipped , would require " 1.8 Einsteins and one-tenth of the resources of the Manhattan Project " to construct .

  13. 第二章对实验室开展交叉科研的历史脉络进行梳理,线索是曼哈顿计划、军备竞赛等重大的历史事件。

    Chapter ⅱ makes the historical context of cross research in the lab clear , through reviewing the Manhattan Project , World War ⅱ arms race and other important historical events .

  14. 毁灭了两个日本城市后,曼哈顿计划圆满完成。特氟龙也被改良为广泛应用于厨具中的不粘涂层,还有抗污渍的衣服面料。

    After the Project culminated with the destruction of two Japanese cities , Teflon would be repurposed most famously as a non-stick coating in pots and pans , as well as a stain-resistant coating for clothing .

  15. 这封信成为曼哈顿计划形成的助推剂,不过,因为政府考虑到他与“全国有色人种协进会”这种主张和平的社会团体有着密切联系,所以爱因斯坦并没有受到该计划邀请,这一点让他十分欣慰。

    The letter may have contributed to the formation of the Manhattan Project , to which Einstein -- much to his relief -- was not invited ; the government considered him a security risk due to his many associations with peace causes and memberships in social advocacy groups like the NAACP .

  16. 截至笔者撰稿时,曼哈顿及其周边地区计划新增八栋超豪华大楼,相关项目进展情况不一。

    As of this writing , there are currently plans for eight more ultra-luxe towers in and around Manhattan , in various stages of development .