
  • 网络Mannheim;University of Mannheim;University Mannheim
  1. 从曼海姆大学的研究人员表示,他们的发现证明了年长员工的工作效率其实更高。

    The researchers , from the University of Mannheim , said their findings debunked the idea that older workers should be made redundant to boost productivity .

  2. 曼海姆大学商学院是历史上第一所仅凭借合办课程登上EMBA榜单的学校。

    Mannheim is the first school in the history of the EMBA ranking to enter with only joint programmes .

  3. 曼海姆大学商学院有两个EMBA课程上榜(另一个是与法国巴黎高等经济商业学院合办的),但没有独立开办的EMBA课程,这在商学院当中是独一无二的。

    Mannheim is unique in offering two ranked joint-EMBA programmes ( the other with Essec Business School ) but no solo programme .

  4. 曼海姆大学商学院院长延斯?维斯特曼(JensWüstemann)表示,许多最杰出的EMBA课程是合办的,因为学员们对于在不同国家学习有强劲需求。

    Jens W ü stemann , president of Mannheim Business School , says that many of the best EMBAs are joint programmes , since there is a strong demand from participants for study in different countries .

  5. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)经济学家JeremyGreenwood、巴塞罗那研究机构Markets,OrganizationsandVotesinEconomics(MOVE)研究教授NezihGuner、德国康斯坦茨大学(UniversityofKonstanz)经济学家GeorgiKocharkov以及曼海姆大学(UniversityofMannheim)

    A research paper -- by University of Pennsylvania economist Jeremy Greenwood ; Nezih Guner , a research professor at Markets , Organizations and Votes in Economics ( MOVE ) , a research institute based in Barcelona ; University of Konstanz economist Georgi Kocharkov ;

  6. 曼海姆大学商学院是6所德国商学院中排名最高的。

    Mannheim is the highest placed of six German schools .