
  • 网络rWTH;RWTH Aachen;RWTH Aachen University;Rheinisch-Westf lische Technische Hochschule Aachen
  1. 现在,他在亚琛工业大学教授若干门课程。

    He is giving several courses at RWTH Aachen University .

  2. 博朗·乌萨德尔是德国亚琛工业大学发表两种植物基因编码的其中一位科学家。

    Bjorn Usadel of Germany 's RWTH Aachen University is one of the scientists who published the genetic maps of the two plants .

  3. 我加入公司后,我在欧洲完成的亚琛工业大学电气工程的研究,在德国,在'95。

    I have joined the company in '95 in Europe after I finished my studies of electrical engineering at the University of Aachen , in Germany .