
  • 网络AirAsia;air asia;Asia Air
  1. 因为两年前与亚洲航空CEO托尼·费尔南德斯就F1大奖赛打赌输了,这位亿万富翁企业家不得不男扮女装:脱掉平角内裤穿上丝袜!

    The billionaire entrepreneur swapped his boxer shorts for a pair of stockings after losing a Grand Prix bet with AirAsia chief executive Tony Fernandez two years ago .

  2. 上周日,亚洲航空(AirAsia)8501航班在飞离印度尼西亚后失踪。

    On Sunday , AirAsia Flight 8501 disappeared off Indonesia .

  3. 亚洲航空公司并未受到席卷美国的撤销管制浪潮的影响。

    Asian airlines remain untouched by the deregulation that has swept America

  4. 尽管有些公司经营不错,但是因为经济震荡对国内和国际(International)旅行造成冲击,亚洲航空业面前的道路十分成坎坷。

    And while some are faring well , the sector faces a bumpy ride as economic turbulence hits both domestic and international travel .

  5. 我们很高兴能有荣幸为您服务,谢谢你飞亚洲航空X的。

    Thank you for flying Air Asia X.We are pleased to have the privilege to serve you .

  6. 亚洲航空CEO托尼费尔南德斯是马来西亚人,他表示布兰森是他的导师,而在创办自己的廉价航空公司之前,他也曾在维珍航空工作过。

    Malaysian-born Fernandes , who described the Briton as his mentor , used to work for Branson before setting up his own budget airline .

  7. 欣丰虎航(TigerAirways)和亚洲航空(AirAsia)等亚洲低成本航空运营商已宣布了大举扩张的计划。

    Asian low-cost carriers such as Tiger Airways and AirAsia have announced aggressive expansion plans .

  8. 据亚太航协(AssociationofAsiaPacificAirlines)统计,亚洲航空公司去年实现净利润48亿美元,较2010年跌47%。

    Asia 's carriers last year earned 47 % less in net profit than in 2010 , at US $ 4.8 billion , according to the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines .

  9. peach与日本亚洲航空不仅将目光放在了国内航线上,它们还将目光投向了东京到首尔(离日本最近的外国首都)的航线。

    Peach and Air Asia Japan have their sights not only on domestic flights but also on the route between Tokyo and Seoul , the nearest foreign capital .

  10. 订单排行榜中,亚洲航空公司首当其冲,其中包括总部位于马来西亚的亚航(AirAsia),下单200架。

    Leading the way were several Asian airlines , like Malaysia-based AirAsia with 200 orders .

  11. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)分析师彼得•希尔顿(PeterHilton)表示:美国公司可以向中国体系内注入更多运力,并承接向来由亚洲航空公司包揽的货运业务。

    Peter Hilton , analyst at Credit Suisse , says : The Americans are being allowed to inject more capacity into the Chinese system and moving goods that would have traditionally gone to Asian carriers .

  12. 马来西亚的亚洲航空(airasia)和新加坡航空持有部分股权的欣丰虎航(tigerairways)等亚洲低成本航空公司的崛起,则不那么令他担心。

    Of lesser concern is the emergence of Asian low-cost carriers ( LCCs ) such as AirAsia of Malaysia and Tiger Airways , part-owned by Singapore Airlines .

  13. 但空中客车首席商务官约翰•李希(JohnLeahy)9月3日在香港出席亚洲航空展览会(Asianaerospaceshow)时预言:低成本模式将在亚洲出现爆炸式增长。

    But John Leahy , chief commercial officer for Airbus , predicted at the Asian Aerospace show in Hong Kong on the 3 Sep that the low-cost model is set to explode in terms of growth in Asia .

  14. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)分析师彼得?希尔顿(PeterHilton)表示:“美国公司可以向中国体系内注入更多运力,并承接向来由亚洲航空公司包揽的货运业务。”

    Peter Hilton , analyst at Credit Suisse , says : " The Americans are being allowed to inject more capacity into the Chinese system and moving goods that would have traditionally gone to Asian carriers . "

  15. 其中包括欧洲主要的低成本航空公司瑞安航空和easyjet,以及亚太地区领先的低成本航空公司亚洲航空(airasia)。

    They include Ryanair and easyJet , the dominant European low-cost carriers , and AirAsia , the low-cost leader in Asia Pacific .

  16. 捷星日本与日本亚洲航空公司将成田机场(narita)作为中转中心,从东京赶到这里车费较贵,而且耗时更长。

    Jetstar and Air Asia are using Narita Airport as their hub , which is expensive and time-consuming to get to from Tokyo .

  17. 由于政府干预,亚洲航空公司(AirAsia)最近放弃了在越南开办合资公司的计划,而政府干预的目的,无非是为了保护国有旗舰航空公司,使其免受不请自来的竞争。

    AirAsia recently dropped plans for a joint venture in Vietnam in the face of government interference aimed at protecting its state-owned flag airline from unwelcome competition .

  18. 对于创建亚洲航空的马来西亚企业家托尼•费尔南德斯(TonyFernandes)来说,双方的合作将成为他进入日本的第二次努力。在此之前,他与日本全日空(ANA)航空公司的合资项目未能取得成功。

    A tie-up between the two would be the second attempt by Tony Fernandes , the Malaysian entrepreneur who founded AirAsia , to enter Japan after the failure last year of a venture with ANA , the Japanese carrier .

  19. 与其他许多大型航空公司一样,马航的长线航班业绩相当良好,然而短线航班业务则因遭受来自亚洲航空(AirAsia)等廉价航空公司的竞争而表现不佳。

    As with many large carriers , its long-haul operations are doing reasonably well , but its short-haul business is suffering because of competition from low-cost carriers such as AirAsia .

  20. 马来西亚的亚洲航空公司已经济动荡时期的典范。

    Malaysia 's Air Asia has been a success story in turbulent times .

  21. 从亚洲航空展看海军装备

    Naval Equipment at Asian Aero Exhibition 2006

  22. 亚洲航空对此则拒绝置评。

    AirAsia declined to comment .

  23. 现在,每个人都能飞了&访亚洲航空集团首席执行官冬尼·费南德斯

    Now Everyone Can Fly

  24. 由于去年亏损额攀升,马来西亚航空公司同意将大部分国内航班移交至亚洲航空运营。

    MAS agreed to hand over most of its domestic flights to AirAsia after mounting losses last year .

  25. 由于全日空和亚洲航空在定价、航线和销售基建等问题上无法达成一致,双方终止了这一合资项目。

    ANA and AirAsia ended their attempted venture after failing to agree on pricing , routes and sales infrastructure .

  26. 此次坠机是过去12个月里打击亚洲航空公司的一连串灾难的最新一起。

    The crash is the latest in a string of disasters to hit Asian carriers in the past 12 months .

  27. 香港的航线是亚洲航空要建立吉隆坡为通往亚洲的第一通道的策略。

    Hong Kong air route is to set up Asia in Kuala Lumpur for the first channel to the Asia strategy .

  28. 在二月大马亚洲航空,一个预算台车,将会发射到吉隆坡的马来群岛的首都一个一般的服务。

    In February Air Asia , a budget carrier , will launch a regular service to the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur .

  29. 周四下午乐天股价上涨3.2%至每股1313日元,而亚洲航空则上涨1.4%至每股2.24令吉。

    Shares in Rakuten were up 3.2 per cent at Y1313 on Thursday afternoon , while AirAsia was up 1.4 per cent at Rm2.24 .

  30. 两年前开始的全球经济衰退令亚洲航空业倍受打击,但现在很多航空公司已开始重振旗鼓,纷纷开辟新航线、添加新飞机。

    After the global slump in air travel two years ago , Asian airlines are flying high again , adding more routes and ordering more aircraft .