
  • 网络Shanghai Airline
  1. 其次,在它的大本营有一家有力的竞争对手上海航空公司(ShanghaiAirlines)。

    Second is a vigorous competitor on its home patch , Shanghai Airlines .

  2. 分析师们表示,中国东航获得的注资规模增加,使一条持续流传的传言更具可信度,即该公司将很快与规模较小、国家控股的竞争对手&上海航空公司(ShanghaiAirlines)合并。

    Analysts say the enlarged capital injection for China Eastern lends credibility to persistent rumours that it is soon to be merged with its smaller state-controlled rival Shanghai Airlines .

  3. 浅论新所得税准则对上海航空公司的财务影响

    Discussion on the Impact of the Guidelines for on Shanghai Airlines ' Financial Affairs

  4. 今天下午一架上海航空公司的飞机将携带传统的端午节食品飞往台北。

    Shanghai Airlines plane will also carry the traditional food for the festival to Taipei in the afternoon .

  5. 其次,本文以上海航空公司火灾应急训练平台为例,详细介绍了协同培训系统的设计及实现技术。

    Secondly , the paper presents the designing and realizing of collaborative training system in details , citing the fire emergency train platform of Shanghai Airline .

  6. 虽然注资规模增加的消息直到夜间很晚才宣布,但上海航空公司的股价在当日收盘前20分钟内出现飙升。

    Although the enlarged bail-out was not announced until late in the evening , shares in Shanghai Airlines soared in the last 20 minutes of the trading day .

  7. 上海航空公司航空联盟常旅客计划合作研究此外,意航还将加入由法航和美国德尔塔航空公司创建的空中联队航空联盟。

    Research of FFP Cooperation Strategy for Shanghai Airlines in Airline Aliiance ; In addition , Alitalia will also join the " SkyTeam " alliance founded by Air France and US Delta Airlines .

  8. 该股盘中一度上涨8%,因市场不断有传言称,竞争对手国泰航空(CathayPacific)将入股这家总部位于上海的航空公司。

    The shares rose as much as 8 per cent on persistent rumours that rival Cathay Pacific would take a stake in the Shanghai-based carrier .

  9. 以东方航空(cea)为例,在新加坡航空(sia)公布打算收购其24%股权的计划之后,这家总部位于上海的航空公司股价涨幅高达160%。

    Take China Eastern Airlines , the Shanghai-based airline whose shares surged as much as 160 per cent after Singapore Airlines ( SIA ) unveiled plans to acquire a 24 per cent stake .

  10. 本地人被取悦,如那里是很少的优惠从上海来的航空公司选项。

    Locals are pleased , as there are few discount airline options from Shanghai .

  11. 这架直升机由在中国多个城市都拥有基地的上海金汇通用航空公司的飞行员负责驾驶。

    The flight was operated by King Wing Aviation who have bases in multiple Chinese cities .

  12. 在参观上海波音航空维修公司时,美国国务卿希拉里集中讲述了在本周的经济对话中对美国方面非常重要的问题。

    In Shanghai , Clinton Highlights US-China Trade Relations During a visit to a Boeing aircraft maintenance facility in Shanghai , Secretary Clinton focused on issues important to the U.S. side in this week 's economic talks .

  13. 雅奇(上海)航空材料有限公司落户上海

    Argosy ( shanghai ) Aerospace Material Ltd. Open in Shanghai

  14. 执行此航线飞行任务的是上海国际货运航空有限公司。

    The implementation of this route is the mission of the Shanghai International Cargo Airlines Co.

  15. 车辆租赁业务是上海外航服务公司劳务分公司向上海各家外国航空公司提供的特色服务之一。

    The car rental service is one of those characteristic services offered by the Employment Agency of Shanghai FASCO to foreign airlines .

  16. 除去普通话和英语之外,一些公共汽车开始使用上海话进行报站,自今年1月起,上海航空公司也在部分航班上开始使用上海话。

    Some public buses have started to use Shanghainese , in addition to Mandarin and English , in their announcements , while Shanghai Airlines in January began using the dialect on some of their flights .

  17. 在未来的日子里,上海外航服务公司将时时推陈出新,一如既往地为上海各家外国航空公司提供完善的专业服务。

    In the near future , Shanghai FASCO will continuously bring forth new professional services to foreign airlines as always aiming at total satisfaction of the clients .