
  • 网络Shanghai University of Finance and Economics;SUFE;Shanghai University of Finance Economics;Shanghai University of Finance & Economics;SHUFE
  1. 事实上,上海财经大学(shanghaiuniversityoffinanceandeconomics)近期调查显示,仅有6%的受访者认为股市会进一步下跌,而27%的受访者对股市目前水平感到满意。

    Indeed , according to a recent survey by the Shanghai University of Finance and economics , only six per cent of respondents thought that the market would fall further and 27 per cent were happy with its current level .

  2. 马洪主编,《经济法概论》,上海财经大学出版社出版。

    Ma Hong , The Introduction of Economic Law , Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press .

  3. 旅游管理教育与学科建设的国际经验与我国问题及发展设想&以上海财经大学发展目标与特色为例

    On International Experiences in Tourism Management Education & Discipline Construction and Our Problems and Conceptions of Development

  4. 上海财经大学数量经济研究所的创始人是黄树颜教授。

    Professor Huang Shuyan was the founder of Institute for Quantitative Economics at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics .

  5. 对于上海财经大学创行团队主席、22岁的许一伟(音译)而言,创行团队既是一个企业,又是慈善组织。

    For Xu Yiwei , 22 , president of SUFE Enactus , the team is both a business and charity organization .

  6. 上海财经大学目前已经发布了2007年度和2008年度上海市消费者满意度指数。

    Shanghai University of Finance and Economics have complied and issued Shanghai Consumer Satisfaction Index of2007 and2008 which is of extensive concern .

  7. 作者单位对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院;国务院发展研究中心市场经济研究所;上海财经大学财经研究所。

    Organization University of International Business and Economics ; Development Research Center of the State Council ; Shanghai University of Finance and Economics .

  8. 王先生大学主修经济专业本科,并在上海财经大学修毕高级会计师研究班课程。

    William Wang majored in economics during his university and got his post-graduate qualification of senior accountant from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics .

  9. 依据景观生态异质性原理,对复旦大学、华东师范大学以及上海财经大学校园绿地系统做出了景观格局指数分析。

    Through quantitative analysis , it got ecological assessment and presents some constructive suggestions on the rebuilding of the three campus green space system .

  10. 作者单位北京大学光华管理学院;上海财经大学高等研究院;北京大学中国医药经济研究中心。

    Organization Guanghua School of Management , PKU ; Institute for Advanced Research , SHUFE ; China Center for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research , PKU .

  11. 获管理科学博士、复旦大学经济学硕士、上海财经大学经济学学士学位。

    He obtained his Bachelor 's degree in Accounting from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics , a Master 's degree in Economics and a Ph.

  12. 今年9月,上海财经大学创行团队代表中国参加在墨西哥坎昆举行的2013年Enactus(创行)世界杯,从而一举成名。

    SUFE Enactus earned a name for itself when it represented China in the Enactus 2013 World Cup in Cancun , Mexico , in September .

  13. 大型招聘会在上海财经大学举办,吸引了来自当地大学的近1万名学生和大约100家外商投资企业。

    The fair , held at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics , attracted nearly 10,000 students from local universities and about 100 foreign-invested companies .

  14. 我是上海财经大学的一名研究生,在您驻留上海的这段时间,我可以为您提供中文教学服务。

    I am a postgraduate in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics . I will offer you the service of teaching Chinese during your staying in Shanghai .

  15. 但是上海财经大学创行团队并未从中获利,而是将该技术推广到贫困家庭手中,让他们与蘑菇种植公司合作。

    But instead of making money from this business plan , SUFE Enactus passed it on to low-income families and let them cooperate with the mushroom company .

  16. 王琛是一名来自上海财经大学经济新闻系的大三学生。作为一名围棋业余爱好者,他已经达到了业余7段——这已是业余围棋选手的最高段位。

    Wang , a junior majoring in economic news at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics , is an amateur seventh-degree master player - the highest degree amateur players can attain .

  17. 19岁的经济专业学生刘天瑞(音译)是上海财经大学创行团队的公共关系负责人。他说,创行团队帮助他将课堂中学到的商业概念付诸实践。

    According to Liu Tianrui , 19 , the PR director of SUFE Enactus who is an economics major , participating in Enactus helps him apply the business concepts taught in class .

  18. 撰写商业计划书、召开会议、熬夜执行计划,这些在你看来似乎只有在商界才会发生的事情,却是上海财经大学创行团队的日常工作。

    Writing business proposals , holding meetings and staying up late to execute plans - what may sound like the business world to you is just a routine for members of the Enactus team at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics ( SUFE ) .

  19. 我坚信在上海这样一个全球最具活力的都市中通过上海财经大学与加拿大注册会计师协会的共同努力下,我们的合作一定会更加的成功。

    In this most vigorous metropolis of the world , I deem that our collaboration will be surely much more successful under our collective efforts .