
  • 网络Zhejiang Gongshang University;zhejiang industry and commerce university
  1. 同时他也以副主席的身份服务于博爱国际儿童领养基金会(2006年-2008年);浙江工商大学北美校友会会长(2007年-2009年)。

    He also served as Vice President of Gift of Love International Adoptions ( 2006-2008 ) and President of the Zhejiang Gongshang University North American Alumni Association ( 2007-2009 ) .

  2. 方法对浙江工商大学入学1周内的大一新生,在统一培训的医务人员指导下,采用SCL-90症状自评量表进行随机采样分析。

    Methods Conded study was by random sampling and under the guidance of specially trained medical personnel by using the Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) .

  3. 我现在正在浙江工商大学学习汉语。

    I am currently learning the Chinese language at Gong Shang University .