
  • 网络Jawaharlal Nehru University;JNU
  1. 俄罗斯问题专家、印度尼赫鲁大学教授阿努拉德.切诺伊说,印度有理由俄罗斯关键性的装备和合作。

    Russian expert , Professor Anuradha Chenoy of Jawaharlal Nehru University , says India has good reason to continue looking to Russia for critical supplies and enhanced cooperation .

  2. 俄罗斯问题专家、印度尼赫鲁大学教授阿努拉德.切诺伊说,印度有充分理由继续依靠俄罗斯提供关键性的装备和加强合作。

    A Russian expert , Professor Anuradha Chenoy of Jawaharlal Nehru University , says India has good reason to continue looking to Russia for critical supplies and enhanced cooperation .

  3. “所有这些都是巨大的黑盒。”印度贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁大学生命科学院的教授RajivSaxena说。

    " All these are big black boxes ," said Rajiv Saxena , a professor at the school of life sciences at India 's Jawaharlal Nehru University .

  4. 根据马弘毅教授的推荐,经过深思熟虑,在众多的学校中我选择了印度的贾瓦哈拉尔尼赫鲁大学(简称JNU,尼赫鲁大学)。

    According to the recommendation of Professor Ma Hongyi and my deep consideration , I want to be chosen by Jawaharlal Nehru University ( JNU ) .

  5. 新德里尼赫鲁大学的非洲问题专家帕夏说,非洲正在成为新的全球石油中心。

    An African expert at New Delhi 's Jawaharlal Nehru University , A.K.Pasha , says Africa is emerging as the new global oil hub .

  6. 印度尼赫鲁大学教授斯瓦兰·辛格说,上合组织缓解了印巴之间的紧张局面,也促进了双方在恐怖主义等问题上的对话。

    Swaran Singh , a professor at India 's Jawaharlal Nehru University , says the SCO eased India 's tension with Pakistan and facilitated dialogues on issues including terrorism .

  7. 位于德里的贾瓦哈拉尔尼赫鲁大学的谢刚说,他们还对中国向巴基斯坦海军提供援助感到不满。此举将使巴基斯坦海军到2015年拥有与印度一样多的护卫舰。

    They also resent China 's assistance to Pakistan 's navy , which will as a result by2015 have as many frigates as India , according to Srikanth Kondapalli of Delhi 's Jawaharlal Nehru University .