
  1. 上海市城市交通信息化决策支持体系研究

    Research on DSS of Shanghai Urban Transport Information System

  2. 这些公式为建筑企业提供了一种对IT应用进行评价的参考方法,为企业在信息化决策方面提供依据。

    These can be used to value the application of IT for contractors , and help the contractors make a strategic decision for enterprise informatization .

  3. 为了寻求中国旅游饭店的快速发展,必须采用集团化经营、集成化管理、网络化营销、信息化决策等措施。

    For the rapid development of Chinese tourism hotels , effective measures should be taken to practise group-operation , group-management , net marketing , information deciding , and so on .

  4. AHP法在调查队信息化建设决策中的应用

    Application of AHP in Decision-making on Informatization of Survey Office

  5. 文章结合国家统计局湖南调查队系统的特点,在信息化建设决策中运用AHP法建立目标决策的层次分析模型。

    In conjunction with the characteristics of NBS Survey Office in Hunan , the article uses AHP to build up an analytic hierarchy model for decision-making in Hunan SO informatization .

  6. 企业信息化投资决策风险管理与效益研究

    Research on Risk Management and Benefit of Enterprise Informatization Investment Decision

  7. 电信企业信息化中决策支持系统的构建

    Construction of decision support system in informatization of telecom enterprise

  8. 基于部门间资源分配的企业信息化投资决策模型

    Decision & investment model of enterprises informatization based on resources distribution among sectors

  9. 中小企业实施会计信息化,决策者的重视和支持是重要前提。

    The support and attention of decision makers is the important premise for small and middle sized industrial enterprises to realize accounting informatization .

  10. 将会为满洲里市各级单位提供信息化辅助决策的评价体系和公共管理模式创新的依据,将促进满洲里市信息化建设更好更快地发展。

    It provides the government departments in Manchuria City with the information-based evaluation system for decision support , and also offers the basis for public administration innovation , which would definitely promote the information construction for this city .

  11. AHP在制造业信息化产品选型决策中的应用

    Application of AHP in the Product Selections Decision-Making of Manufacturing Informationization

  12. 管理系统以实验室办公信息化和管理决策为主。Lab为开发环境建立。

    The information system mainly manages the data which come from the whole lab testing process while the management system is dominating the lab office work and management decisions .

  13. 装备维修信息化及其辅助决策技术研究

    Study of Information-based Weapon Equipment Maintaining and Assistant Decision-making Technology

  14. 信息化战场指挥决策应突出增强三性

    Battlefield Command and Decision-making Should Focus on Three Characteristics in Information Warfare

  15. 中小企业信息化选型的决策过程模型探讨

    Decision-process Model for the Pattern Selection in Enterprise Information-based

  16. 基于资源共享系数的企业信息化工程外包决策分析

    Sharing Coefficient-based Decision Analysis of Enterprise IT Outsourcing

  17. 随着计算机技术的发展,企业办公信息化对企业决策越来越重要。

    With the development of computer technology , business office automation is becoming more and more important to decision-making .

  18. 可行性分析本文的研究为机场物流信息化的科学决策提供了依据。

    This thesis has provided scientific reasons for making the policy of the information technology of the airport logistics system .

  19. 本文在分析我国机械制造企业在物流管理信息系统与决策支持系统的发展现状基础之上,指出在这方面存在的信息化管理与决策支持上的不足。

    Based on the develop state analyse about logistics MIS and DSS of civil mechanism manufacture enterprise . This letterpress point out the deficiency about informative management and support for decision-making .

  20. 结论血透护士的基本素质、操作技能、全面评估、自我决策的培养使传统的护理模式向系统化、科学化、信息化和自我决策的新型护理模式转变;

    Conclusion The cultivation of basic quality , operative skills , full evaluation and self determination is a transformation from the traditional nursing mode to new nursing mode characterized with systematization , informationalization and self decision-making .

  21. 通过智能交通系统建设,提高交通管理与服务的信息化水平和决策支持能力,是减少交通事故,解决交通拥堵,促进城市环保,提高人民生活质量的根本途径。

    Constructing the intelligent transportation system is an effective solution to improve the level of transportation management and decision support . It can alleviate the traffic accident and congestion influence , and improve the urban environment and living quality of residents .

  22. 高等教育信息化建设的投资决策分析。

    Analyses on the investment of the higher educational informatization construction .

  23. 新型农村合作医疗信息化建设与卫生决策应用初探

    Probe into the utilization of new Rural Cooperative Medical System information system construction in health care decision-making

  24. 分析了交通信息化时代交通管理决策支持所面临的挑战,提出了充分整合现有交通信息、提高决策支持水平的解决思路。

    The challenge with which traffic management decision support system is faced in information age is first analyzed in this paper .

  25. 信息化战争军事指挥决策与构建军事指挥决策人机交互环境的研究已成为当前军事领域的研究重点和热点。

    Military command and decision in information warfare and the research of HCI environment of military command and decision have become the focus in the current military research .

  26. 这一系统的特点就是以长观数据与地热工程分析结果作为数据源,将信息化管理和科学决策结合在一起,实现集信息管理、资源评价与科学决策为一体的信息系统。

    Based on long - term monitoring data and geothermal engineering analysis results as data source , this system combines informational management and scientific decision together to form an overall geothermal information system .

  27. 检察机关为了顺应时代进步潮流和世界发展趋势做出大力推进信息化建设的重大决策。

    In order to comply with the progressive paces of times and catch up with the trend of worldwide development , procuratorial organs have made the decision of making great efforts to promote informationization .

  28. 利用该体系可科学地评价林业企业信息化水平,为正确指导林业企业信息化的发展提供决策依据。

    This system could be used to scientifically evaluate informatization level of a forestry enterprise and to provide basis for the development of informatization for the forestry enterprise .

  29. 通过绩效评价推动、引导和监督中小学教育信息化的持续发展,并为提高中小学教育信息化的科学决策做一项重要的基础性工作。

    Through the performance evaluation impulse , induct and supervise to make the education of Elementary and Middle school continuously and improve an important the fundamental job on science decision-making of middle school E-education .

  30. 高等教育信息化比较研究。比较研究发达国家和地区高等教育信息化发展历程,汲取经验和教训,为我国高等教育信息化发展提供决策参考。

    Comparative study on the higher education , it comparatively studies the developmental process of higher educational informatization in developed countries and regions and gets experience and lessons to provide decision references for the higher educational informatization in our countries .