
xìn yònɡ zhènɡ yè wù
  • credit operation
  1. 基于Web的EDI网上银行信用证业务系统设计

    Design of EDI Network Bank Letter Credit Business System on Webbased

  2. 论文采用资料研究、理论分析、比较分析、SWOT分析等方法,对X银行国内信用证业务优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行分析,提出当前X银行进一步发展国内信用证思路。

    The paper adopts the data research , theoretical analysis , comparative analysis , SWOT analysis and other methods , analysis of X bank of domestic letter of credit Strengths , Weaknesses , Opportunities and Threats , put forward the further development of X bank domestic credit ideas .

  3. 商业银行信用证业务风险评估

    Evaluation on the Risks of Letter of Credit in Commercial Bank

  4. 浅谈信用证业务中海运提单的处理

    On Handling Bill of Lading in Account Settling by Letter of Credit

  5. 国际保理和信用证业务是国际贸易中两种主要的结算方式。

    International factoring and letter of credit are two main clearing forms .

  6. 信用证业务处理的是单据。

    The transaction of letter of credit only deals with the documents .

  7. 第四章分析问题,从不同角度分析出口信用证业务的风险。

    The fourth part analyses the risks of letter of credit in banking practice .

  8. 信用证业务在对外商事贸易活动中广泛运用,但信用证立法在我国尚属空白。

    The letter of credit is used widely in foreign trade activities , but it is still blank in our legislation .

  9. 信用证业务中开证申请人面临着来自开证行和受益人的风险。

    In the letter of credit the applicant faced with the risks which came from the issuing bank and the beneficiary .

  10. 第三章对建行大连分行的出口信用证业务进行了介绍,提出业务中存在的问题。

    The third part is the introduction of letter of credit business in China Construction Bank Dalian branch and the problems in export settlement .

  11. 负责信用证业务的银行对以这样或那样方式参与信用证交易的第三者的任何行为不负任何责任。

    Banks doing letter of credit business assume no responsibility for the acts of third parties taking part in one way or another in the credit transaction .

  12. 在信用证业务中,提单质押担保不仅给贸易商带来了极大的方便,而且使金融资本获得了一个参与国际贸易的大好方式。

    In letter of credit business , the bill of lading hypothecation brings great convenience not only to merchants but also financial capital for participating in international trade .

  13. 在信用证业务中,各有关当事人处理的是单据,而不是单据所涉及的货物、服务/或其它行为。证人对事发当晚所做的事情作了伪证。

    In Credit operations all parties concerned deal with documents , and not with goods , services and / or other performances to which the documents may relate .

  14. 出口信用证业务是建行大连分行重要的国际结算产品,与其相关联的手续费收入和贸易融资收入是银行利润的重要组成部分。

    Letter of credit is an important instrument in international settlement in China Construction Bank Dalian Branch , the related commission and financial interests are great part of banking profits .

  15. 独立性是信用证业务的基本原则,它在提高结算效率的同时,也带来了隐患:出口方单据欺诈。

    Independence is the basic principle in the settlement of Letter of Credit . It causes hidden trouble while it improves the efficiency of settlement : the exporter 's fraud in documents .

  16. 在信用证业务中,银行只处理单据,而不管实际货物,所以容易出现伪造单据的诈骗行为。

    In the business of the letter of credit , the bank only deals with the document , and no matter real goods , so apt to present the swindle behavior of forging documents .

  17. 最后,站在保护受益人利益的角度,提出了个人一些对于软条款风险的规避和制度完善的建议,希望对贸易人员尤其是刚刚从事信用证业务的新手们起到一定的帮助和警示。

    Finally , from the stand point of protecting the interests of the beneficiaries , I put forward some personal suggestion for avoiding the risk of soft clauses and improve the credit system , looking forward to helping those new trade operators .

  18. 因此研究信用证结算业务中审单的相关法律问题对中国和世界其它各国都有极其重要的理论和实践意义。

    Therefore in the research letter of credit settlement service examines the single related legal matter all has the extremely important theory and the practice significance to China and th .

  19. 只要银行针对信用证结算业务特点,找准风险源,采取有效防范措施,其所面临的信用证业务风险就会大大降低。

    In order to make good use of credit , bankers must identify the sources of risk and take effective preventive measures , lower the risk of credit , provide good service to our customs .

  20. 保理业务在国际贸易结算方式中所占的比例越来越高,据统计,国际保理在全球贸易结算中的份额已超过60%,超过信用证的业务量。

    Factoring in international trade settlement way the proportion of more and more high , according to statistics , international factoring in global trade settlement , the share has more than 60 % of the exceed credit volume .

  21. 所以制定出一个统一的、合理的、具有操作性的审单标准非常必要,笔者提出了理性的表面相符标准,兼顾了信用证审单业务的主观和客观方面。

    So it is very necessary to provide a uniform , reasonable , feasible standard of examination of documents , so the writer suggests a " reasonable and apparent compliance standard ", which concerns both subjective and objective factors .

  22. 商业银行信用证贸易融资业务风险研究

    Risks Study on Trade Finance under Letter of Credit to Commercial Bank

  23. 可转让信用证中各方的业务风险分析

    Analysis of operational Risks on Parties in Transferable Letters of Credit

  24. 信用证项下融资业务及其风险分析和防范

    Kinds of Risk Analysis and Prevention of Financing Business under Letter of Credit

  25. 国际信用证项下押汇业务的法律问题

    Discussing about the Negotiation of Documentary Bills Under Letter of Credit in Terms of Law

  26. 第二章主要介绍了信用证的概念以及信用证的业务流程。

    Chapter ⅱ introduces the concept and procedure of LC .

  27. 随着银行业务的多样化,与贷款类似的信用业务,如贴现、透支、信用证、担保等业务所涉及的风险也成为信用风险的控制范围。

    Along with the diversity of banking business , credit business , similar to loans , such as discount , overdrafts , letters of credit , guarantees and other businesses of the risks regarded as the control range of credit risk .

  28. 信用证是国际贸易中重要的信用结算工具,但是,由于信用证业务自身的复杂性和游离于基础合同的独立抽象性加重了风险防范和金融监管的难度。

    Letter of credit is one of the most important trade settlement instruments in international business activities , but as a result of its characteristics of complexity , independence and abstract , there is a high occurring rate of fraudulent activities with letters of credit .

  29. 然而在《国内信用证结算办法》推行后的几年之内,没有一家银行真正开立了国内信用证业务。

    However , after the introduction for a few years , no one really opened the domestic bank letter of credit business .