
yuǎn qī xìn yònɡ zhènɡ
  • usance credit;usance letter of credit
  1. 论约定优于法定原则试析商业银行利用假远期信用证进行融资

    The Principle that Promissory is more advantageous On Commercial Bank ' Financing by Buyer 's Usance Credit

  2. 对建立在进出口贸易和银行信贷有机融合基础之上的假远期信用证而言,银行可通过多种措施,有效降低融资风险,大大提高贷款的安全性。

    For buyer 's usance credit based on import and export trade and integration of bank credit , banks can take a variety of measures to reduce the risk of financing , thereby greatly increase the safety of loans .

  3. 我们其它的供货商了解到这一点,同意和我们作远期信用证。

    Our other providers know this and therefor accept the deferred payment .

  4. 假如贵司能接受至少30天的远期信用证,我们将万分感激。

    We would appreciate it that you would at least accept the 30 days deferred payment .

  5. 远期信用证显然要使用远期汇票。付款期限可为30天、60天甚至可长达180天。

    A usance credits obviously calls for a time draft , and the usance varies from 30,60 days to as long as 180 days even longer .

  6. 为合作起见,现特别同意以100%保兑的、不可撤销的60天远期信用证付款,信用证必须在合约装运期前一个月开到卖方。

    For the purpose of cooperation , we specially agree to the payment by100 % , confirmed , irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at60 days sight to reach the seller one month before the shipment time contracted .