
  • 网络forward swap;Foward Swaps
  1. 例如,伦敦和新加坡的交易员表示,在香港收市或假日休市期间,他们不愿订立远期互换协议。

    Dealers in London and Singapore , for example , say they are reluctant to enter into forward swap agreements when Hong Kong is either closed for the day or on holiday .

  2. 远期、互换与期权产品也已开始交易,但额度较小。

    Forwards , swaps and options are also starting to trade but at low volumes .

  3. 在监管范围上,多数国家是以场内交易产品为主,对于场外的远期和互换交易是否涉嫌为受监管的期货交易,各国都有不同的判断标准。

    In the scope of regulation , the majority of countries base on the exchange products , as to the forwards and swap transactions are suspected to be regulated or not , different countries have different criteria for judging .

  4. 黄金挂钩型理财产品是在固定收益产品(如存款、零息债券)的基础上嵌入某种金融衍生产品(如远期、互换、期权)而形成的、挂钩标的为黄金价格的新型金融产品。

    Gold linked structured products are new financial derivatives products , which are fixed-income products ( such as deposits , zero-coupon bonds ) embedded in certain financial derivatives ( such as forwards , swaps , options ), and linked to the price of gold .

  5. 在假定市场风险和违约风险线性相关的前提下,给出标准信用违约互换和远期信用违约互换的简约定价模型,并将其应用于对供应链违约风险的控制。

    Supposing there is linear relation between default and market risk , the reduced pricing models of standard and forward credit default swaps are constructed , and the pricing models is used in controlling default risk of supply chain .

  6. 利用期货、远期、期权、互换等金融衍生工具,有助于企业防范这些风险。

    By using financial derivative tools such as futures , forwards , options , and swaps . They can keep away these risk .