
cái wù ɡuǎn lǐ
  • financial management;financial administration
  1. 基于Agent技术财务管理系统的实现

    The Implementation of Financial Administration Based on Agent Technology

  2. 我国加入WTO后的几个财务管理问题

    Problems on the Financial administration after China 's entering WTO

  3. 这个公司的财务管理得很得法。

    The company was skillfully financed .

  4. 经营一家公司,严格的财务管理是至关重要的。

    In running a company , strict financial management means everything .

  5. 基于Web的制造企业异地分支机构财务管理系统

    System of Financial Management in Branch Organization of Webbased Firm in Different Place

  6. 提出了ERP在财务管理系统的解决方案。

    It also provides the ERP solution for the finance management system .

  7. 以经济增加值(EVA)作为财务管理职能的统一目标研究

    Applying EVA to be the uniform aim of functions in financial management system

  8. CoreBusiness客户端处理与通常的ERP相关的作业,例如设立提案、装载票据材料和财务管理。

    The CORE Business client handles common ERP related tasks such as the creation of proposals , loading of bills of material , and accounting .

  9. 如何对传统财务管理流程进行再造;EVA理论以其独特的优越性,在新经济时代下向传统财务管理提出挑战。

    In the new economy , theory of EVA has challenged the tradition performance evaluation due to the superiority .

  10. EVA(经济增加值)不仅是一个公司业绩评价指标,而且是一种全面财务管理的架构。

    Economic Value-added is not only an index of corporate achievement , but also a framework of overall financial management .

  11. 用POWERBUILDER开发了一个小型财务管理系统,适用于管理特殊用途的财务帐目,使用简便,安全性好。

    A small financial management system has been designed with Power Builder . The system can be used in special financial accounts , simple in use and good in security .

  12. ABC理论用于ERP系统包括标准成本计算、财务管理、库存管理、生产计划与控制等;

    This paper analyzes the application of ABC in ERP system , includes standard cost calculation and cost management , inventory management , production planning and control .

  13. ERP系统的使用给很多企业带来了工作效率的提高并改变了企业的经营方式及生产方式,它可以将财务管理与企业其他环节集成起来,共同努力争取使企业获得最大的利润。

    The use of ERP systems to many companies work efficiency and changed the mode of operation and production , it can be integrated financial management and corporate efforts to attract enterprises to obtain the maximum profit .

  14. 笔者认为:以EVA作为评价指标,企业价值最大化目标将会被更多的企业应用于财务管理实践。

    The author of this paper reckons that if EVA is employed as the assessment index , the target of the maximization of enterprise value will be put into financial management practices by more and more enterprises .

  15. 创新企业财务管理,改变传统财务管理观念、制度与技术(方法),不仅有利于企业建立和完善现代企业制度,以适应WTO大环境带来的冲击,而且也是提升企业核心竞争力的重要因素之一。

    To develop new management of financial affairs and improve the traditional financial management , system and methods can not only help the enterprise to set up a complete modern enterprise system to meet the challenge of the WTO but also can strengthen the competitiveness of the enterprise .

  16. 本文的研究思路是以战略管理理论为基础,在对传统的财务管理与战略进行分析与评价的基础上,构建了基于EVA的企业财务战略。

    This article research mentality is take the strategic management theory as a foundation , in carries on the analysis and in the appraisal foundation to the traditional financial control and the strategy , has constructed based on the EVA enterprise financial strategy .

  17. 进而分析了本公司财务管理的现状,提出了重构财务管理系统,即C3I系统的设想,并分别从系统整体要求与系统各要素两个层面提出了重构思路。

    This article further analyzes the present situation of our company financial management , and puts forward to rebuilt financial management system , i.e. C 3I system . This article puts forward the rebuilding way from the whole requirement and all the demand of this system .

  18. 介绍了一个基于集团式企业的财务管理信息系统(ACMIS),及在系统设计与实现中所考虑的一些问题,采取的主要技术措施、系统的功能和特点等。

    This paper describes both the accounting management information system ( ACMIS ) in a corporate enterprise and the chief technical measures taken in the design and implementation of the system . The functions and features of the system are introduced .

  19. 会计、出纳、财务管理及其他相关职位。

    Accounting , cashiering , financial management and other related jobs .

  20. 高等院校合并后财务管理之思考

    About the Financial Management after the Universities and Colleges Have Merged

  21. 现代酒店财务管理的十大转变

    On Ten Transformations Concerning Finance Management Function for Modern Hospitality Industry

  22. 矿山企业实施绿色财务管理若干问题的探讨

    The New Discussion of Mine Enterprise Implements the Green Financial Control

  23. 权益净利率的财务管理价值

    The Financial Management Value of The Rate of Return on Equity

  24. 如何避免财务管理中的资金支付风险

    How To Avoid Risk Of Payment Of Funds In Financial Management

  25. 从财务管理角度谈高校企业发展的出路

    The Development of University-run Enterprises from the Perspective of Financial Management

  26. 加强企业管理,必须以财务管理为中心。

    Strengthening business management must take the financial management as the heart .

  27. 学习科学发展观加强学校财务管理

    Study Scientific Development View to Strengthen the University Financial Management

  28. 勘察设计企业财务管理与电算化

    Financial Administration and Computer Processing in Prospecting and Designing Company

  29. 市场经济条件下构建报社财务管理体制的思考

    The System of Establishing the Press Financial Management in the Market Economy

  30. 高职财务管理课程的教学改革

    The Teaching Reformation of Financial Management in Higher Professional Education