
yuǎn qī wài huì shì chǎnɡ
  • Forward foreign exchange market;forward exchange market
  1. 我明白了。我认为远期外汇市场对于进、出口商很重要。

    I see . I think the forward exchange market is very important for the exporter and importer .

  2. 在引入基本的出口模型之后,假设出口商可以进入远期外汇市场进行交易。

    After introducing the basic exporting model , I will assume that the exporters can hedge currency risk in the forward exchange market .

  3. 货币危机中的远期外汇市场参与者行为分析

    Analysis on the Behavior of Participants of Forward Foreign Exchange Market

  4. 相信很多读者都知道人民币不交收远期外汇市场的存在。

    Readers are aware of the renminbi non-deliverable forward market .

  5. 对一些人而言,无本金交割远期外汇市场似乎是一个有些晦涩的领域。

    The NDF market would seem to some to be a slightly obscure arena .

  6. 论人民币远期外汇市场的发展方向

    The Development of RMB FX Forward Market

  7. 亚洲四国汇率风险与贸易&远期外汇市场的作用

    Exchange Rate Risk and Trade in Asian Four Countries & The Role of Forward Markets

  8. 投资者会在远期外汇市场,按远期汇率将其在外国投资所得收益卖为本国货币,并将此收益同在本国投资所得收益进行对比。

    In the forward market , Investors will sell their profit gained abroad , according to forward exchange rate .

  9. 据估计,过去两个月内屡次入市支撑韩元的韩国政府,在现货与远期外汇市场上投入了400亿美元。

    Korea , which has stepped in repeatedly to shore up the won , has spent an estimated $ 40bn over the past two months in the spot and forward FX markets .

  10. 最后,引用泰国案例,实证说明为了确保远期外汇市场能够提供准确的汇率价格信号,政府不应过度干预该市场。

    Finally , with the case study of Thailand , the paper illustrated that to offer the accurate price signals of exchange rate , government should not intervene the forward markets too often .

  11. 在较长期限(一年),无论是境内银行间人民币远期外汇市场还是境外离岸人民币无本金交割远期市场基本上都不是以利率平价理论为定价基础,更多是受人民币长期升值的预期影响。

    In the longer term ( one-year term ), whether the forward foreign exchange markets in domestic or offshore are not based on interest rate parity theory , but influenced by the expectation of the appreciation of RMB .

  12. 因此,从政策层面上,应加快人民币利率市场化进程,转变外汇衍生交易监管思路,建立高效的银行间远期外汇市场,开辟银行汇率风险对冲渠道;

    Therefore , from the policy level , it 's compulsory to quicken the renminbi interest rate market-orientation progress , changing ideas of foreign exchange derivative dealing supervision , establishing an efficient forward inter-bank foreign exchange market , developing the bank exchange rate risk offset channels ;

  13. 如果你还需要更多证据,那就看看那些利用无本金交割远期外汇(NDF)市场做多人民币的人们,多年来遭受的损失吧。

    If you need yet more proof , look at the losses incurred over the years by the people who have used the non-deliverable forward ( NDF ) market to go long the Chinese renminbi .