
  • 网络Forward;forward contract;NDF
  1. 推出新的ecu,将有助于促进许多工具的有序重估,比如根据英国法律发行的欧元债券、全球各银行发放的欧元贷款以及欧元计价的互换和外汇远期合约。

    Introducing a new ECU would help to facilitate an orderly redenomination of a host of instruments such as debt issued in euros under English law , euro-denominated loans extended by global banks , and euro-denominated swaps and foreign exchange forward contracts .

  2. 考虑远期合约基于古诺模型的市场参与者策略研究

    Study on Cournot model based market participants ' strategies considering forward contracts

  3. 对人民币的投机性兴趣减退,可以从无本金交割远期合约(ndf)中窥见一斑。

    The fall-off in speculative interest in the Chinese currency can be seen in the rates for non-deliverable forwards , the derivative traders use to bet on moves in the renminbi .

  4. 本月初,伦敦金属交易所(LME)63个月期铜价格传统的远期合约基准跃升至每吨5861美元,向着2008年5月创下的6998美元的历史高点挺进,为近一年来的最高水平。

    The London Metal Exchange 63-month copper price a traditional forward contract benchmark jumped earlier this month to $ 5,861 a tonne , approaching its all-time high of $ 6,998 a tonne set in May 2008 , and its highest level for almost a year .

  5. 过去一年,亚洲基准的API-4煤炭1年期远期合约价格上涨近124%,昨日的交易价格约为每吨153美元,此前曾在本月触及179.50美元的创纪录高点。

    The one-year forward contract for the Asian coal benchmark , known as API-4 , has risen by almost 124 per cent over the past year to trade at about $ 153 a tonne yesterday , after reaching a record $ 179.50 this month .

  6. 考虑远期合约的不同投标策略供应函数均衡分析

    Analysis of Equilibrium about Supply Function of Suppliers with Future Contracts

  7. 研究了远期合约市场的输电管理问题。

    The management issues of forward bilateral markets are studied .

  8. 期货合约与远期合约是金融衍生市场两个非常重要的衍生工具。

    Futures and forwards are very important financial derivative instrument .

  9. 不象远期合约,期货通常是在交易所交易的。

    Unlike forward contracts , futures contracts are normally traded on an exchange .

  10. 人民币无本金交割远期合约应声下跌,结束了为期3天的上涨。

    Non-deliverable forwards dropped , snapping a three-day gain .

  11. 林产品交易市场现货远期合约交易的结算

    Spot crude Study on the Clearing of Forward Contract Trading in Timber Exchange Markets

  12. 我国的股票指数期货是属于什么类型的远期合约?

    Summary : China 's stock index futures are the types of forward contracts ?

  13. 融入金融输电权思想的新型远期合约

    New Forward Contract Considering Financial Transmission Right

  14. 远期合约价格较现货市场价格升水反映了这些上升的成本。

    Higher forward prices , relative to the spot market , reflect these increased costs .

  15. 指一家银行在即期和远期合约中对单一客户承受的总风险。

    Total exposure of a bank to any single customer for both spot and forward contracts .

  16. 从一年期远期合约的价格看,市场的预测是未来一年人民币将贬值1.5%。

    The one-year forward contract is pricing in yuan depreciation of 1.5 % in the year ahead .

  17. 该交易所目前可上市离岸人民币债券,也为人民币外汇远期合约场外交易提供清算服务。

    SGX lists offshore renminbi bonds and offers the clearing of over-the-counter foreign exchange forward contracts in Renminbi .

  18. 无论对政界人士和做多人民币远期合约的投资者来说多么令人困惑,中国的立场其实是完全合理的。

    However perplexing for politicians or investors who are long on renminbi forwards , China 's position is entirely reasonable .

  19. 在电力市场环境下,签订远期合约可以稳定电价,抑制电价波动,减少价格风险。

    Under electric market , forward contracts trading can stable electricity price , decrease fluctuations of price and decrease price risks .

  20. 对于远期合约石油价格快速上涨的原因,石油交易商、企业高管和分析师们仍存在分歧。

    Oil traders , companies ' executives and analysts are split over the reasons for the rapid rise in long-dated prices .

  21. 该模型以基于不同场景构建方法得到的场景树模型表示径流和电价的随机性,将远期合约决策与日前市场交易决策视为随机规划框架下的不同阶段决策。

    Forward contracting decisions and day-ahead market trading decisions are recognized as different decisions of different stages in a stochastic programming framework .

  22. 对石油开采达到顶峰的恐惧、来自中国需求及通膨的影响使得投资者对原油期货的兴趣升温,推高了远期合约的价格。

    Fears of'peak oil , 'the impact of Chinese demand and inflation helped fuel interest in futures contracts , pushing up forward prices .

  23. 在此基础上构造出风险中性测度,并给出期货合约以及远期合约的价格表达式。

    On this foundation , I construct the risk-neutral measure , and the prices of future contracts and the forward contracts under the measure .

  24. 电力远期合约的制定及其机组组合算法的探讨电力市场远期合同交易的决策模型

    Study of a Long-dated Electric Agreement and Its Unit Commitment Arithmetic in Power Market Decision-making Model for Trading Forward Contracts in an Electricity Market

  25. 远期合约是双方在场外交易市场直接谈判达成的协议。

    The FRA is an agreement that two parties agree today to a future exchange of cash flows based on two different interest rates .

  26. 金融衍生品又称金融衍生工具,是以一种由基础资产衍生出来的,其价值建立在基础变量上,有投机、避险功能的一系列远期合约。

    Financial derivative is also called as financial derivative instruments , it is derived from the basic assets and its value is based on the basic variables .

  27. 银行可以运用很多不同的方法管理这些风险,例如透过远期合约或衍生工具市场来对冲风险。

    There are many ways of managing these risks , for example by insuring or hedging the risk through the use of forward contracts or derivatives markets .

  28. 结果表明,虽然相同的远期合约对不同的模型影响结果有所不同,但对所有模型采用远期合约均能有效降低市场均衡电价。

    The results show that the equilibria are different in different models , but the future contracts can effectively make spot price decrease in all the models .

  29. 远期合约石油价格大幅上涨,逼近每桶100美元大关,显示出投资者预期在经济衰退过后高油价将再度回归。

    Long-dated oil prices have risen to within a whisker of $ 100 a barrel , in a sign that investors are expecting high prices to return after the recession .

  30. 最后通过简单算例分析了现货电价与负荷的相关系数、负荷、电价的波动等因素对远期合约电价的影响。

    Finally , one simple example was employed to analyze the effects of correlation coefficient between spot price and demand , demand fluctuation and spot price fluctuation on forward price .