
  • 网络underlying financial instruments;Primary Financial Instruments
  1. 摘要衍生金融工具是由原生金融工具派生出来的,其价格决定于原生金融工具价格衍生金融创新形式。

    Derivative instruments are kinds of financial innovative forms , which derive and come out from primary financial instruments , and their prices are decided by primary financial instrument .

  2. 与中小投资者自己直接投资于股票、债券等原生金融工具不同,基金具有一定的派生性,存在较长的委托代理链条,信息不对称所导致的道德风险问题也更加突出。

    Different from the direct investment of investors , the investment of fund is derived , and there is a longer train of commission and agent . Therefore , the moral risk result from the information asymmetry is more obvious .