
yuán báo xiǎn
  • original insurance;earlier insurance
  1. 在我国,保险业是一个非常年轻的产业,再保险与原保险比起来,其历史更短。

    Reinsurance has shorter history than the original insurance .

  2. 再保险同原保险一样,受到各国政府不同程度的监管。

    Reinsurance , like the original insurance , is regulated in different degrees by every country .

  3. 再保险是在原保险合同的基础上建立的。

    Reinsurance is built on the foundation of primary insurance contract .

  4. 商业性农业原保险组织法律制度研究

    The Research on Legal System of Original Agricultural Insurance Organization for Commercial Purpose

  5. 请指出重复保险、原保险、再保险的关系?

    Point out the concern that repeats safe , primary insurance , reinsurance please ?

  6. 再保险人要承担原保险人总钱数的一部分。

    The reinsurer agrees to accept a portion of the gross line of the direct writer .

  7. 概念:原保险是指保险人与投保人最初达成的保险。

    Concept : primary insurance is the insurance that shows underwriter and policy-holder are reached at first .

  8. 首先,在主体部分介绍了原保险人和再保险人的不同类型。

    Firstly , the main terms of the re-insurance contract is different from the original insurance contracts .

  9. 再保险合同一方面离不开原保险合同,另一方面则是独立于原保险合同的。

    The reinsurance contract is either not independent on the original insurance independent of the origin insurance contract .

  10. 若在宽限期之后保单失效,被保险人可以在一定条件下恢复原保险合同。

    If the policy lapses after the grace period , the insured may reinstate the contract under certain conditions .

  11. 再保险合同为原保险人与再保险人以分担危险为共同目的之合伙合同。

    Reinsurance contract is original underwriter and reinsurance person the partnership contract that with partaking danger is common goal .

  12. 其与政策性农业原保险组织以及合作性农业原保险组织共同构成农业原保险微观组织体系。

    As well as original insurance of policy-oriented agricultural organization and cooperation organization , they constitute the original micro-insurance system .

  13. 共保体作为最特殊的一类保险组织,以两种形态存在于农业原保险市场。

    Agricultural insurance corporate bodies as a unique insurance organization , exists in the agricultural insurance market for two forms .

  14. 保险欺诈不仅存在于原保险交易市场中,而且也存在于再保险交易市场中。

    The insurance fraud not only exists in the primary insurance trading market , but also exists in the reinsurance trading market .

  15. 再保险为保险消费者带来利益,因为原保险人得到了再保险人的财务支持。

    Reinsurance works for the benefit of consumers , since the financial strength of the reinsurer is added to the primary insurer .

  16. 在诚信原则中探讨了原保险人承担的是无限告知义务,从而区别于原被保险人所承担的有限告知义务。

    There are different from the application in the principle of utmost good faith , the re-insurer undertakes the obligation of infinite inform .

  17. 原保险保费收入是指保险企业确认的原保险合同保费收入。

    The original premium income received by the insurance companies refers to the premium income from original insurance contracts confirmed by the insurance companies .

  18. 不过他们讨论的基础都是建立在再保险合作有效的条件下,也就是在肯定了再保险有降低原保险公司风险的功效的前提下来讨论的。

    But the classical models are usually based on the efficient reinsurance assumption , that is , they consider that reinsurance disperses risk surely .

  19. 商业性农业原保险组织设立宗旨的营利性特征决定其与后两者有着本质的区别。

    The purpose of the original agricultural insurance organization for commercial purpose is profit , which determines it is essentially different from the latter two .

  20. 第四条保险人签发的原保险合同,适用《企业会计准则第25号&原保险合同》。

    Article 4 The original insurance contracts issued by insurers shall be subject to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 25 - Original Insurance Contracts .

  21. 提供贷款通常也带来不偿还贷款的风险。原保险的被保险人或者受益人,不得向再保险接受人提出赔偿或者给付保险金的请求。

    The insured or the beneficiary of the direct insurance shall not claim for the indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits from the reinsurer .

  22. 本文的观点是建议对原保险合同取得成本采用递延配比法,这样更利于保险公司的发展。

    The view of this paper recommends the original insurance contract adopts the deferred ratio method , which have a better benefit for the development of insurance company .

  23. 再保险分出人不得以再保险接受人未履行再保险责任为由,拒绝履行或者迟延履行其原保险责任。

    The ceding insurance company shall not decline or delay fulfilling its obligation of the direct insurance on the basis that the reinsurer fails to fulfill the reinsurance obligation .

  24. 建立完善的政策性农业原保险组织,首先需要明确其概念。

    To establish the perfect policy agricultural original insurance organizations , the first step is to make a clear concept of the organizations , and legal status and the system function .

  25. 这应该属于原保险概念:再保险是指一个保险人把原承保的部分或者全部保险转让给另一个保险人。

    This should belong to primary insurance concept : reinsurance is to point to an underwriter to perhaps be sure the part of primary accept insurance to make over another underwriter entirely .

  26. 应再保险接受人的要求,再保险分出人应当将其自负责任及原保险的有关情况告知再保险接受人。

    When requested by the reinsurer , the ceding insurance company shall inform the reinsurer of the ceding insurance company 's retained liability and all relevant information with respect to the direct insurance .

  27. 如果一笔大额索赔导致原保险人需要向再保险人摊回赔款,但此时再保险人偿付能力不足,原保险人,而不是被保险人,将不得不承担这额外的损失。

    If a large claim resulted in a primary insurer looking for reimbursement from an insolvent reinsurer , the primary insurer would have to bear the additional loss , not the original insured .

  28. 商业性农业原保险组织是指依法设立的、以营利为目的、主营或兼营农业原保险业务的企业法人或其他经济组织。

    Original agricultural insurance organization for commercial purpose is corporation or other economical organizations , which are established by law , in order to profit , mainly run or minor in original agricultural business .

  29. 财务再保险作用突出,通过它原保险人可将部份风险转嫁给再保险人,将相关费用确认为再保险交易支出,这样能使风险得到有效分散。

    Financial reinsurance has a prominent role when primary insurers could pass on part of the risk to re-insurers , recognizing related expenses as transaction costs under re-insurance , which effectively spread the risk .

  30. 从原保险人利用再保险转移风险的目的出发,本文集中讨论了均值方差原理、效用原理及夏普比率(风险收益比率)下的再保险最优化模型,三种原理的含义、基本思想及所适用的条件。

    With the perspective of risk transferring , this thesis focuses on discussing the reinsurance optimization model under mean-variance principle , utility theory and sharpe 's ratio , their meanings , basic ideas and conditions applicable .