
shuì zhǒng
  • categories of taxes;items of taxation;tax categories
税种 [shuì zhǒng]
  • [categories of taxes] 国家征税的种类,诸如营业税、个人所得税等

税种[shuì zhǒng]
  1. 还是应该算作其它的税种?

    Should still count the categories of taxes of other ?

  2. 而我国至今还没有一个真正的环境税税种。

    But our country does not have genuine environment tax categories of taxes until now .

  3. 新税种将在两年内逐步实行。

    The new tax will be phased in over two years .

  4. 新税种的有效施行期限为五年。

    There is a five-year sunset on the new tax .

  5. 在他主政期间不会增加新税种。

    There would be no new taxes under his leadership .

  6. 新的家庭税合并了人头税和地方税两个税种。

    The new council tax combines elements of both the community charge and the rates .

  7. 其次,分别通过MT指数和税负转嫁模型、库兹涅茨比率等对现行主要调节税种&个人所得税和流转税的收入分配效应进行考察。

    Secondly , by using MT index , tax-shifting model and Kuznets ratio , investigate the income distribution effects of personal income tax and indirect taxes .

  8. 一些国家已经拥有温和的土地税,但其产生的税收收入还远不足以像19世纪改革家亨利乔治(henrygeorge)设想的那样取代所有其他税种。

    Land taxes of a modest kind exist in several countries , but do not yield nearly enough to replace all other taxes , as envisaged by the 19th century reformer Henry George .

  9. 法国政府支出与国内生产总值(GDP)的比例已经达到56%,法国自上世纪70年代中期以来就没有实现过预算平衡,而且某些税种的税率是世界上最高的。

    This is a country where the state already consumes 56 per cent of gross domestic product , which has not balanced a budget since the mid-1970s , and which has some of the highest taxes in the world .

  10. 美国证券业与金融市场协会(sifma)证实,它已聘用sidleyaustin律师事务所管理合伙人卡特菲利普斯(carterphillips),研究如何来应对这个它称之为“极有针对性与惩罚性的税种”。

    The securities industry and Financial Markets Association confirmed that it has hired Carter Phillips , a managing partner at the law firm Sidley Austin , to study how to respond to what it called a " very targeted and punitive tax " .

  11. 推动税费改革,开征新税种。

    Push forward tax-fee reform and collect new categories of tax .

  12. 本协定适用的现行税种是。

    The existing taxes to which this Agreement shall apply are .

  13. 这一新税种正在把不公平的负担强加以雇主。

    This new tax is imposing an unfair burden on employers .

  14. 中外税种结构历史演变的启示

    Inspiration from the Historical Evolution of Chinese and Foreign Tax Structure

  15. 个人所得税规模增长之快,超过了其它任何税种。

    Personal income tax is the fastest growing in the scale .

  16. 因此,有必要培育地方主体税种。

    So it is necessary to cultivate main body of local taxation .

  17. 而对于税基,认为最适当的税基应是污染物的排放量,对纳税人的设计和税种的设计也做了初步的分析讨论。

    For tax basis , the suitable one is volume of contamination .

  18. 论我国市级财政主体税种的选择与培育

    On the Choosing and Fostering Main Local Tax of Municipal Public Finance

  19. 政府着手粉碎对该税种的反对。

    The government set out to crush all opposition to the tax .

  20. 第四章对我国所得税进行了分析,分别对企业所得税和个人所得税两大税种进行了分析。

    Chapter 4 analyses individual income tax and the enterprise income tax .

  21. 农业税是我国最古老的一个税种。

    The agricultural tax is the most ancient tax of our country .

  22. 这些税种的某种组合与其他某些税种是等价的。

    Certain combinations of these taxes are equivalent to others .

  23. 政府间税种配置的理论研究

    Research on the Theory of Tax Categories Allocation Between Governments

  24. 政府在公众压力之下,取消了新的税种。

    The government has responded to public pressure by abolishing the new tax .

  25. 这些问题的存在急需通过一个完善的税种进行调节。

    These problems need adjusted by a perfect tax .

  26. 目前我国并不存在纯粹意义上的环境税收,只是在一些税种的规定中直接或间接的含有一些环保因素。

    At present , there is no pure environment tax in our country .

  27. 缺乏环境保护税种;

    The tax type of environmental protection is deficient .

  28. 印花税作为地方主要税种之一,显然不能无动于衷。

    As one of the main taxes , stamp tax cannot remain indifferent .

  29. 开征这一税种与我们的政策背道而驰。

    The introduction of such a tax would be contrary to our policy .

  30. 市场经济条件下税种结构优化及其策略

    On Structure of Tax Categories and Its Perfect Strategy