
  1. 国内税收流失类型分析

    On Analysis of the Types of the Taxation Loss

  2. 正由于各国选择适用的税收管辖权类型不同,而导致了税收管辖权的冲突。

    Different jurisdiction of taxations leads to conflicts on jurisdiction of taxation .

  3. 中国服务业税收的企业类型结构研究

    Research on the Structure of the Tax Enterprise Type of China 's Service Industry

  4. 税收法律责任的类型取决于对税收法律关系的定性与认识。

    The type of tax liability depends on knowledge and qualitative of taw legal relations .

  5. 第三,确定政府间非法税收竞争行为的类型,明确不正当税收竞争的行为要件。

    Thirdly , confirm the type of the behavior of the intergovernmental illegal tax competition , and the constitutional elements of the act of the unfair tax competition .