
shuì shōu zhì dù
  • taxation system;tax revenue system
  1. 我国环境税收制度现状分析

    The Current Analysis about Our Country Environment Tax Revenue System

  2. 寺院经济管理法主要体现在《库房规铭》上,主要有监察制度、会计制度、税收制度和募捐制度。

    The temple has the supervisory system , the accounting system , the tax revenue system and solicits donations the system .

  3. 人群高呼“不要人头税”,指的是政府新确立的地方税收制度。

    The crowd chanted ' No Poll Tax ' , a reference to the government 's new local taxation system

  4. 奥斯本专门提到,科技公司在滥用税收制度方面尤其严重。

    He singled out tech companies as particular abusers of the system .

  5. WTO与我国外资企业税收制度改革

    WTO and the Reform to the Foreign-invested Enterprises Tax Laws of China

  6. 从理论上讲,无论税收制度、税收政策多么地完美,税收征管多么地有效,税收收入归根到底只能源于GDP,不可能超越GDP,因而,这种解释好象无法完美地把问题描述清楚。

    Theoretically , tax revenue is derived from GDP and cannot overtake GDP no matter how perfect the tax system and tax policy are or how effective the tax administration is . Therefor , the explanation seems fail to make the problem clear .

  7. 分析了银行税制存在的问题,借鉴国外(OECD国家)银行税收制度对我国的启示,立足当前我国银行业实际,提出了改革和完善我国现行银行税收制度的对策建议。

    The article analyses the problems of bank taxation , refers to the foreign ( OECD country ) bank system of tax revenue for the inspiration to our country and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestion to reform and perfect Chinese current taxation .

  8. 论完善我国证券市场税收制度

    On the Perfection of Tax System of China 's Stock Market

  9. 浅析我国税收制度对国民储蓄倾向的影响

    The Influence of China 's Tax System on National Savings Tendency

  10. 高薪者不应该受到税收制度的惩罚。

    High earners should not be penalized by the tax system .

  11. 这新税收制度明年五月生效。

    The new system of taxation will take effect next May .

  12. 电子商务对现行税收制度的影响及对策

    Influence of E-business on present tax policy and the countermeasures

  13. 首先,对分数税收制度的内涵进行了阐述。

    First , the conception of Fractional Taxation is illustrated .

  14. 完善税收制度支持西部大开发

    Perfecting Taxation System and Supporting the Development in Western Region

  15. 税收制度是对税收行为的规范和约束。

    Tax system is criterion and restriction for taxation behavior .

  16. 保险营业税收制度的比较分析与完善

    COMPARE Comparative Analysis and Improvement of Insurance Business Tax System

  17. 国外学者对慈善事业的研究更多是将视角集中在了慈善税收制度上。

    Foreign scholars paid more attention to the tax system of charity .

  18. 中国现行税收制度局限性的分析和思考

    Analyses & Reflections on the Limitations of China 's Current Taxation System

  19. 我国保险业税收制度现存问题及改革思考

    The Existing Questions and Thinking of China 's Insurance Taxation

  20. 税收制度已经历过多次简化。

    A number of simplifications have been made to the taxation system .

  21. 我国企业年金的税收制度设计研究

    Research on the Favorable Tax Policies of Chinese Occupational Pension

  22. 保证公司制度符合中国税收制度相关规定;

    Ensuring statutory compliance with PRC tax laws and regulations ;

  23. 环境税收制度的效益分析及其对比优势探讨

    Benefit Analysis and Comparing Advantage Exploration of Environmental Taxation

  24. 我国有关耕地保护的税收制度研究

    Research on Tax about Protecting Cultivated Land in China

  25. 首先,对环境税和环境税收制度的概念进行界定。

    It first defines the concept about environmental taxes and Environmental Tax System .

  26. 改革税收制度,促进协调发展

    Reform the Tax System to Promote the Harmonious Development

  27. 税收制度对社会和经济的发展起着极其重要的作用。

    Tax institution plays an important role in development of society and economy .

  28. 和谐社会视角下非营利组织发展的税收制度分析

    Analysis of Tax Regulations of Non-profit Organizations from a Perspective of Harmonious Society

  29. 美国的税收制度是一个典型代表。

    America 's tax system is a prime example .

  30. 税收制度改革证明很有成效。

    The reform of the tax system proved effective .