
dān yī shuì
  • single tax
  1. 主要观点有:第一,单一税理论无论是从理论层面上还是实践中都被证明是可行的。

    The major point includes : First , regardless of the single tax theory practices from the theory stratification plane by the proof is feasible .

  2. 为何不征单一税呢?

    Why not a flat per-plane tax ?

  3. 我国可实行分两步走的渐进改革方案和一步到位的单一税改革方案。

    China can adopt the gradual reform scheme of the two-step approach and the flat tax reform scheme of the one-step approach .

  4. 完美的单一税具有符合简便性原则、消除了对储蓄的负效应等优点。但是,其缺陷是有违公平。

    Perfect flat tax has advantages such as meeting the requirement of simplicity and eliminating the negative effects on savings while violating equity .

  5. 同时,乔治的社会活动也在客观上使他的单一税思想广泛传播,因而给予一些经济学家以深刻启发。

    At the same time , his activities made his thought public as a matter of fact . By this , he enlightened some economists .

  6. 征单一税会鼓励航空公司使用更大、更宽体的飞机,优先发展长程而非短程航班,从而鼓励更多的人在短途旅行时乘坐火车。

    That would encourage airlines to fly with larger , fuller aircraft and to prioritise long over short journeys , encouraging more people to travel by rail on those .

  7. 单一税具有单一税率、消费税基、整洁税基三大特征,正好符合这种条件。

    The flat tax has three major characteristics of the single tax rate , the base of the consumption tax , the clean tax base , just according with these requirements .

  8. 单一税指将纳税人的所有所得并在一起,实行同一个比例税率的个人所得税,其特征为单一的低水平比例税率和整洁税基。

    Flat tax combines all incomes of a taxpayer and taxes it at a low proportional tax rate . Low tax rate , consumption tax base and clean tax base feature dual income tax .

  9. 通过分析,本文认为,单一税的真正精神并不在于税率的单一,而是在于取消了许多繁杂的税收优惠。

    By way of analysis , I think the genuine spirit of the Flat Tax does not depend on the single of tax rate , and is depending on that it is preferential to cancel many tax preferential .

  10. 撒切尔夫人蝉联后的首批政策之一是实施人头税,这是一种为本地服务征收的单一税。该税种基于个人,而非民众居住的房产的价值。

    One of her first actions was to introduce the poll tax or community charge , a flat-rate tax for local services which was based on individuals rather than the value of the property in which they lived .

  11. 美国个人所得税制度的改革、单一税的兴起和实践、综合所得税模式向二元所得税模式的转变、商品税又重新得到重视等,都为中国个人所得税的改革提供了经验。

    The rising and practicing of the flat tax and from the comprehensive income tax mode to the dual income tax change , then paying attention to commodity tax again , provide experiences for personal income tax reform of China .

  12. 对此,美国斯坦福大学经济学家罗伯特·霍尔和拉布什卡提出单一税理论,积极倡导降低税率、拓宽税基、简化税制,使税收更加中性,更加富有效率的思想。

    Regarding this , US Stanford University economist Robert Hall and Rabushka initiates " to cut the tax rate , to expand the tax base , the simplified tax system positively , causes the tax revenue neutrality , richer efficiency " thought .

  13. 新西兰1990年开始了设定通胀目标的尝试,而爱沙尼亚1994年启动了单一收入税。

    New Zealand started inflation targeting in 1990 and Estonia launched flat income taxes in 1994 .

  14. 个人所得税的累进性改革问题&基于单一个人所得税改革的前景分析

    On the Problem of Progressives of Personal Income Tax : An Analysis from the Perspective of Flat Tax Reform in China

  15. 美国征收燃油税近一个世纪的实践和经验表明,单一的燃油税不能实现公路成本在纳税人间的合理分摊。

    America has levied tax on motor fuel for nearly one century , which shows that the highway cost can not be equitably allocated among vehicles by sole fuel tax .

  16. 注:我们无法仅为单一订单退还增值税。

    Note : We cannot refund VAT , only , on an order .

  17. 为弥补由此造成的财政收入减少,必须进行增税,任何此类增税都应主要通过征收税基广泛、税率单一的消费支出税来实现,比如增值税。

    The bulk of any extra revenue needed to make up the difference should then be raised via a broad-based , flat-rate expenditure tax , such as a value added tax .