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  • single rule
  1. 他表示,eba需要利用自己手中的新权力已经被写入一个“单一规则手册”中采取更强硬的做法。

    The EBA , he said , would need to use its new powers enshrined in a " single rule book " to take a stronger line .

  2. ‘单一规则手册’是名副其实的权力。

    The ' single rule book ' is the true power .

  3. 执行单元(XUs):当使用单一规则集解决方案时,每个XU会消耗大量资源,即使它们可能仅用于小型决策服务,比如定价服务。

    Execution units ( XUs ): When using the single ruleset solution , each XU will consume significant resources , even though they may be used for small decision services such as pricing .

  4. 该入口点变量所起的作用类似于使用内部业务流程的单一规则集部分描述的requested-service-name参数。

    This entry point variable plays the role of the requested-service-name parameter that described in Single ruleset with internal orchestration .

  5. 例如,如果所有决策点统一在一个LoanApplicationin/out参数中工作,单一规则集或规则流可能运作良好。

    For example , if all the decision points work uniformly on a single LoanApplication in / out parameter , a single ruleset or ruleflow may work well .

  6. 单一规则集,通过一个规则流使用一个内部业务流程。

    A single ruleset , using an internal orchestration though a ruleflow .

  7. 但是,它们会比在使用单一规则集解决方案时消耗更少的资源。

    However , they will consume fewer resources than when using the single ruleset solution .

  8. 股票发行的单一规则

    The Unitary Regulation of Stock Issues

  9. 使用内部业务流程的单一规则集

    Single ruleset with internal orchestration

  10. 可以看出,格林斯潘更多的像是一个凯恩斯主义者,通过利率来对经济进行干预,而完全没有实行新自由主义所倡导的单一规则的货币政策。

    We can see that Greenspan is more like a Keynesian using interest rates on economic intervention than a Neo-liberals .

  11. 处理问题的一种方法是使用一个封装了各种服务备用方案的规则流来部署单一规则集。

    One approach to handle the problem is to deploy a single ruleset with one ruleflow that encapsulates the various service alternatives .

  12. 英国的合理使用例外制度则是提供一个包含特定版权例外和限制的单一规则体系。

    Approach of fair dealing exceptions is to provide a unique mechanism which includes a large number of much more specific exceptions and limitations of copyright .

  13. 在欧洲一体化市场内部,要让监管权力停留在国家层面,需要一套共同的监管规定和协商一致的操作方法所谓的单一规则手册。

    For supervisory powers to remain at the national level within an integrated European market , a common set of regulations and agreed practices a so-called single rulebook is required .

  14. 货币政策规则是中央银行制定货币政策时的重要依据,货币政策应该采取单一规则还是相机抉择一直是一个值得研究的问题。

    The monetary policy rule is of great importance when central bank makes monetary policies . Choosing a single rule or discretion has always been an issue which worthies studying .

  15. 美联储在货币政策操作规则上放弃了传统的相机抉择及单一规则,转而采取兼顾可信度和灵活度的泰勒规则。

    FRB ( The Federal Reserve Bank of USA ) had abandoned the traditional Random Walk and Simple Rules , but carried out Taylor 's rule which focuses on credibility and flexibility .

  16. 此外,在原有单一规则图像筛除的基础上结合回溯法对自动筛除方法进行优化,从而达到缩小图像比较数量,提高速度的目的。

    In addition , backtracking method is used to optimize the automatic deletion method instead of one by one deletion rules , so as to reduce quantity of the WCE images , improving the purpose of speed .

  17. 本文还进一步就具体的操作规则提出一条创新的思路&按照就业弹性单一规则操作。其基本含义是,中央银行基础货币依据金融机构以就业弹性为权重计算的加权资产总额变动。

    The dissertation then proposes a innovative route concerning manipulative rules with detail , i.e. operates according to " Employment Elasticity Rule ", which means the central bank adjust its base money according to the variation of financial institutions ' average assets weighted by employment elasticity .

  18. 利用流函数解决单个移动机器人的避障问题,并提出了基于流函数和单一连接规则的、采用虚拟lead-er和二叉树结构的多移动机器人swarming控制模型。

    The obstacle avoidance of a single mobile robot is solved by using stream function , and a multiple mobile robots swarming control model with a virtual leader and bintree structure is presented , which is based on stream function and singular association ( SA ) rule .

  19. 在形式上,单一市场规则问题仍需欧盟27个成员国投票决定。

    Formally , all 27 member states would still vote on single market rules .

  20. 但货币政策究竟该如何调节经济,货币政策是应该实行相机抉择还是应该实行单一政策规则,货币政策规则是应该只盯住通货膨胀,还是应该多目标并存,国内外的学者争论已久。

    Still there are a lot of problems about how to adjust economy through monetary policy .

  21. 基于单一连接规则的二叉树结构使得整个机器人群的控制更简单,更灵活;

    The bintree structure based on SA rule makes it more flexible and simple to control the robots swarm .

  22. 法国和德国对欧盟委员会持有敌对态度,部分原因是他们一直因为违背单一市场规则而受到后者的烦扰。

    France and Germany are hostile to the Commission , partly because it Harries them for breaching single market rules .

  23. 欧盟发言人贝利说,尚不清楚这项新的税法是否违反单一市场规则。

    EU spokesman Olivier Bailly says it 's not yet clear whether the new tax laws break single market rules .

  24. 实用机器翻译常采用单一的规则分析方法,难以单独解决所有问题,需要多策略的综合利用,而类比翻译的思想一直缺乏在实际系统中的运用。

    Practical MT system almost takes single rule-based strategy , which could not solve all the problems and multiple strategy integrated is necessary .

  25. 将单一输入规则群动态加权模糊推理模型应用于平行二级倒立摆系统,设计出具有6个输入变量的模糊稳定控制器。

    A stabilization fuzzy controller is designed based on the single input rule modules dynamically connected fuzzy inference model for a parallel-type double inverted pendulum system .

  26. 他在文章中指出,歧视的危险并不仅仅停留在想象中,他坚称,英国应该要求单一市场规则不能向欧元区成员国的利益倾斜。

    The risk of discrimination is not imaginary , he writes , insisting that Britain would demand that the rules of the single market were not tilted to the benefit of eurozone members .

  27. 样品颗粒粒径小(100-600nm)、粒径分布单一,呈规则的类球形。

    The samples are ball-like regular particles , whose particle size was small ( 100-600 nm ) and well distributed .

  28. 为欧盟制定一套单一金融市场规则手册的意义远远大于创立覆盖欧盟范围的监管机制。

    Work on equipping the EU with a single financial market rule book is far more advanced than that on setting up an EU-wide supervisor .

  29. 时间序列的分段线性表示算法通常基于单一的启发式规则,难以适用于不同数据特征的时间序列。

    Drawing on the idea of edge operator to extract time series edge points , propose a novel piecewise linear representation algorithm that based on temporal edge operator .

  30. 虽然与其他单一国际运输规则在承运人责任问题上的协调仍存在一些问题,但最新公布的《草案》坚持将承运人的责任期间向两端延长;

    The period of responsibility is insisted to be extended in the updated draft although it has some problem whether the other international transport regulations and the draft can run in harmony .