
  • 网络Single stock future;SSFS;Simple Stock Future
  1. 2l世纪伊始,单一股票期货交易的崛起,已经成为国际金融期货市场的最新发展特点,有最终衍生品之称。

    At the beginning of 21 century , the growing up of Single Stock Futures ( SSF ) has been the newest development characteristic of international financial futures markets , and it 's labeled as " the ultimate derivatives " .

  2. 因为构成股票指数的成分资产与股票组合的资产不完全相同,单一的股票指数期货与股票组合的相关性不是很强,从而导致套期保值交易具有较大的基点差风险。

    Because the component of stock index is not fully the same as the stock portfolio of pension found , there is much basis risk when one stock index futures is used to hedge .