
dān yī jīnɡ jì
  • Single economy;single product economy
  1. 联合国开发计划署提出的人文发展指数(HDI)是由人类健康、教育水平和生活质量三项基础指标合成的一个综合评价指数,摒弃了过去以单一经济指标来进行国际比较的作法。

    The HDI ( human development index ), proposed by United Nations Development Program in 1990 is a summary composite index that measures a country 's average achievements in three basic aspects of human development : longevity , knowledge , and a decent standard of living .

  2. ,我没听过有人反对,这样一个单一经济区的存在。

    Arguments with the say that it 's a single economic zone .

  3. 狩猎经济也是综合经济而非单一经济;

    Hunting economy is also a multiple-product economy , but not a single-product economy ;

  4. 传统技术创新观是一种单一经济发展观,用它指导经济活动,必然导致严重的生态缺陷;

    Traditional technology innovation as a single economic development concept will case serious ecological defects .

  5. 全球还不是一个单一经济体,但正在朝这个方向发展。

    The world is not yet one single economy , but it is moving in that direction .

  6. 打破传统的单一经济结构造就了德国鲁尔工业区的复兴;

    To break through the traditional economic structure made the rejuvenation of the industrial zone in Lure of German .

  7. 其主要依据以下三个理论原则:履行地原则、单一经济实体原则、后果原则。

    It relies on three theoretical doctrine : the performing place doctrine , the single entity doctrine and the effect doctrine .

  8. 目前,我国国有林区建设已由单一经济取材进入生态保护发展新阶段的历史性转变新时期。

    At present , China 's state-owned forest has entered the new historic era of ecological protection from a single economic development .

  9. 战后,在西方发展模式示范效应下,许多发展中国家积极推行单一经济增长战略。

    After the World Two , influenced by the western development models , many developing countries have been actively carrying out the single-economy-increase strategy .

  10. 单一经济及其所造成的依附性后果,是当今第三世界不少国家现代化进程中面临的一个重大难题。

    Single-product economy , together with its dependency consequences , is a vital problem to many Third World countries during the course of modernization .

  11. 它意味着在单一经济市场中执行单一的货币政策,因而是对目前欧洲单一市场的必然补充。

    EMU means a single monetary policy operating within a single economic market and is therefore the logical complement to the single market in Europe today .

  12. 本文从不同经济成分与经济增长关系的分析,得出了多种经济成分比单一经济成分更有利于经济增长等结论;

    This project analysis the relationship of different economy member and economy growth , we conclude that multi-economy is more benefit to the economy growth than single-economy .

  13. 所以,现实要求我们找到一条从单一经济增长模式向可持续发展模式转变的途径,找到一种可以从传统经济学向可持续发展经济学转变的理论,从而使我们人类真正走上可持续发展道路。

    So , we must find a way from a single economic growth mode to sustainable development model , from classical economics theory to sustainable development economics theory .

  14. 而欧洲法院倾向于采用履行地原则和单一经济实体原则,对后果原则虽不明确否认,但对其适用持谨慎的态度,不愿公开将后果原则作为欧盟反垄断法域外效力的法律基础。

    However , the EU courts prefer the performing place doctrine and the single entity doctrine and are chary of the effect doctrine although they never deny it explicitly .

  15. 资源开发仍是主导产业,以信息产业为代表的多样化战略初显活力,但单一经济的改造仍然严峻;

    Although the diversification strategy representative of IT industry takes on its initial vigor , resource exploitation remains the leading industry and the reform of single - product economy still faces challenges .

  16. 在现代经济运行环境下,单一经济组织拥有市场绝对优势地位的情况越来越少,因而在市场中的垄断多为合意式,亦即垄断协议。

    In the modern economic environment , a single economic organization possessing an absolutely dominant position in market becomes less and less , and the monopoly in the market is mostly consensual .

  17. 要修复人类生存的完整性,就必须改变单一经济目标,修复歪曲的价值等级序列,寻求经济的合理形态以及技术的生态化。

    Repairing the integrity of human survive must change the single economy goal , repairing the rank sequence of value , seeking the reasonable shape of economy as well as the ecology of .

  18. 新公共财政理论拓宽了传统公共财政理论主要以国家、单一经济体为中心的局面,覆盖了全球化挑战国际和国内的方方面面。

    New public finance theory has broadened the traditional public finance theory which took the state and single economy as the center , covering all aspects of international and domestic challenges of globalization .

  19. 鉴于美元的反弹只是基于对单一经济数据的反应,另一些人仍心存犹豫,不认为美元的颓势即将结束。

    Others are hesitant to call an end to the trend of dollar weakness , given that the currency 's rebound has been based on its reaction to a single piece of economic data .

  20. 加纳就是一个以可可为中心的单一经济国家。单一经济在某种程度上造就了加纳的经济繁荣,但同时也给加纳经济的长远发展造成持续而深远的依附性后果。

    Ghana is a country of single-product economy dependent on cocoa , and to some extent this kind of economic structure brought economic prosperity to Ghana , but it also caused sustained and profound dependency consequences to the long-range development of Ghanaian economy .

  21. 此外,随着农民的收入来源渠道的增多,对单一经济来源的依赖程度降低,也为此次集体林权制度改革中的纠纷解决提供了较好的外部条件。

    These provide a solid economic foundation for this collective forest tenure reform . Furthermore , as the income sources channels of the peasants increasing , they rely on single channel income sources less . This provides a good external condition for dispute resolution .

  22. 我们真的需要一个打着鲜明的资本主义旗号的“新资本主义”,而不是一个脱胎于务实选择的各种体制和可据理力争的价值观的非单一经济制度吗?

    Do we really need a " new capitalism " , carrying , in some significant way , the capitalist banner , rather than a non-monolithic economic system that draws on a variety of institutions chosen pragmatically and values that we can defend with reason ?

  23. 把马克思的社会发展理论误解为单一经济决定论的深层原因在于没有看到马克思主义哲学所实现的实践转向:由西方传统哲学的理论哲学理路转变为新的实践哲学理路。

    That idea that Marx 's theory of this is a single economic determinism results from the idea that fails to see the " practice turnaround " that the Marxist philosophy realizes : veering from the Western theory of traditional philosophy to a new philosophy of practice .

  24. 许多欧盟国家担忧,一旦英国被允许可以避开自己不喜欢的条款(比如欧盟劳动法),其他国家也会要求不履行自己不喜欢的法律,到时单一经济体就会解体。

    And many EU countries worry that if the UK is allowed to opt out of areas it does not like ( such as EU employment law ) , other countries will demand their own opt-outs from areas they do not like-and the single market will start to unravel .

  25. WTO成员方的国家赔偿制度应积极应对这一变化,其理论基础应由原来的政治赔偿概念向单一的经济赔偿概念转变。

    The state indemnity system in every member of The WTO should face the change , and its theoretical foundation should be transformed from the concept of political indemnity to the concept of the exclusively economic indemnity .

  26. 企业并不是单一的经济实体,而是既具有经济性又具有伦理性的二重性实体。

    It is not a single entity , but one of dual charater of economy and ethics .

  27. 多元单一方程经济计量模型

    Multivariate single equation econometric mode

  28. 同时,由于经济成份的单一,经济活动单纯,税收种类很少,因此纳税人进行税收筹划的空间很小。

    Meanwhile , the economic component part , the economic activity and the categories of tax are very simple .

  29. 人口的众多,单一农耕经济,高产可耕地又少,是我国历史上永恒的难题。

    Large population , only agricultural economy and limited high-yield plowland were everlasting problems throughout the history of China .

  30. 日本民族比较单一,经济发展也比较平衡,这使得日本社会在经济高度发展时期之后的一段时期里被认为是平等社会。

    Japanese society has been regarded as equal society because of its unitary nationality and balanced economic development after the period of economic development .