
  1. 综放工作面采出量单位统计产量法

    Integrated Caving Face Yield Unit Output Statistics

  2. 37种医学专业必修课教材编写单位统计分析试论国内医学院校开设医学术语学必修课的必要性与可行性

    A Statistical Analysis of the Compiling Units of Thirty-Seven Textbooks of Required Courses for Medical Specialities

  3. 试验期间观察动物表现,每周逐只空腹称重,以栏为单位统计采食量。

    During the trial the clinical manifestations were observed whenever , weighed one by one and recording feed consumption weekly .

  4. 具有统计专业职务的人员的调动,应当分别征求本地区、本部门、本单位统计机构或者统计负责人的意见。

    Before any persons holding professional statistical posts are transferred , it shall be necessary to seek the opinions of the statistical agencies or persons in charge of statistics in their respective localities , departments and units .

  5. 方法:回顾性研究,以累计约定日剂量(DDD)为单位,统计5年来住院患者抗菌药物的使用情况,计算抗菌药物使用密度。

    METHODS : By retrospective study , taking accumulated defined daily dose ( DDD ) as the unit , to add up the using rate of antibacterials in inpatients during the 5 years , and calculate antibacterial use density .

  6. 设计单位应用统计技术的探讨

    Study on the application of statistical technology by design units

  7. 200每个单位对统计数据分析和指定的质量管理员的管理义务。

    197 management commitment to statistical data analysis and designated quality managers in each facility .

  8. 有关部门和单位对统计机构、统计人员反映、揭露的问题和提出的建议,应当及时处理,作出答复。

    The related departments and units must promptly deal with and reply to the problems reported or exposed by the statistical agencies and personnel .

  9. 而以国家为单位的统计数据所记录到的日本经济奇迹,实际上是无数个没有记录下来的地方发展故事的总和。

    Japan 's economic miracle , as recorded in the national statistics , was actually the sum of countless unrecorded stories of local development .

  10. 通过对用人单位的统计分析可以快速知道市场的需求情况,以便对教学做出相应的调整。

    Through the statistical analysis of the unit of choose and employ persons can quickly know the needs of the market situation , so as to teaching to adjust accordingly .

  11. 他们在法律与经济杂志上报道其研究以(儿童)每周观看电视中快餐插播广告的小时数为单位进行统计。

    " The advertising measure used is the number of hours of spot television fast-food restaurant advertising messages seen per week ," they wrote in the Journal of Law and Economics .

  12. 组织、协调本单位的统计工作,完成国家统计调查、部门统计调查和地方统计调查任务,搜集、整理、提供统计资料;

    To organize and coordinate the statistical work of such units , to execute the tasks of state , departmental and local statistical investigations , and to collect , compile and provide statistical data ;

  13. 以日为单位的统计结果表明,强对流云的类别和云的发展515强度与大风关系密切,类别愈高大风机率亦愈高,发展强度愈强大风机率亦愈高。

    Statistical results indicate that the class of the severe convective cloud and its development intensity are closely associated with the gale . The higher the class is , the higher is the probability of the gale ;

  14. 我已获得地图,我有机会赢得由种族和技能的损失,我已经进入某些单位的统计资料,但没有,我没有每分钟在全球范围内获得行动。

    I have access to maps , I have access to win-loss by race and by skill , I have access to certain unit stats , but no , I don 't have access to action-per-minute on a global scale .

  15. 解释缺少什么被认为是实验单位,以便统计评估和比较的性能数据。

    Explanation is missing what is considered as an experimental unit in order to statistically evaluate and compare the performance data .

  16. 各地方、各部门、各单位应当健全统计资料的审核制度,保障统计资料的准确性和及时性。

    All localities , departments and units shall amplify the system of examination and verification of statistical data and guarantee the accuracy and promptness of statistical data .

  17. 野生动物贸易统计数据收集方法体系包括野生动物贸易统计企业(单位)定期统计报表以及野生动物专门组织调查如重点调查和抽样调查等统计数据收集方法;

    The wildlife trade data collections methods system includes the wildlife trade statistics enterprise ( unit ) periodical covariance statement and the specialized organization investigate such as the point investigates and sampling ;

  18. 通过对《电池》作者及其所在单位分布的统计分析,从一个侧面反映了当前我国电池界应用研究、开发研究的状况及技术交流的情况。

    Through statistical analysis on authors of Battery Bimonthly and the departments where they were engaged in , the situation of applied research , development and technology exchange in China 's battery field were outlined .

  19. 国内16个单位的儿科统计结果显示,22504例肺炎住院病例中支气管肺炎占93.7%,但反复性肺炎的发病率尚无调查资料,多伦多医院2900例住院肺炎患者中,约10%有两次以上肺炎病史。

    The domestic paediatrics statistical result of 16 units shows : the bronchopneumonia cases take 93.7 % among the 22,504 pneumonia cases in hospital , but the incidence of disease of repeatability pneumonia does not have investigation information yet .

  20. 但基于行政单位的人口统计数据难以与基于自然单位的环境数据相匹配,必须通过建模对人口数据进行空间化分布。

    But the population census data collected based on the administrative units do not match the environmental data collected based on the natural units . So studies on the population spatial distribution are necessary by modeling and estimating the population data .

  21. 面向大中型企事业单位电量月报自动统计系统的设计与开发

    Design and development of the monthly report system of the electrical entities for enterprises

  22. 柱状图后的数据单位为百万,统计总人数接近20亿。

    The unit is million , total users of this statistics close to20 million .

  23. 发往基层单位的全面定期统计报表,必须严格限制。

    The issue of regular overall statistics forms to the grass-roots units shall be strictly limited .

  24. 对本地方、本部门、本单位发生的严重统计违法行为失察的。

    Oversight of serious illegal practices on statistics occurred within their jurisdiction , in their department or unit .

  25. 对货运源头单位治超登记、统计制度、档案进行检查;

    To inspect the units of cargo transport source on their systems of CIOV registration and statistics , and CIOV files ;

  26. 本系统不仅适用于全国各单位的干部定期统计报表工作,而且其设计方法很容易移植、推广到其它统计报表中。

    The system is not only suitable for the cadre regular statistics of the national enterprises , but also easily transplanted in the design method and popularized in the other statistics reporting forms .

  27. 认定了72个因素组合,分三个土地利用系数等值区,通过耕地自然质量分值与单位标准粮之间统计分析,证实了方法体系具有的可行性;

    Asserted 72 element association , and divided into three land usage equivalence districts , then on the base of the statistical analysis between the natural quality composite index of cultivated land and standard grain of unit , it has verified the feasibility of the method system .

  28. 基本统计单位登记是政府统计机构对社会各类行业,各种经济类型和各种组织形式的企、事业单位,机关和社会团体,基层群众性自治组织以及个体工商户,依法进行的注册登记制度。

    Basic statistics company registration is a registration system according to the law which is for all various types of industry , various economic types and various organizational forms of enterprises , institutions , organizations and social organizations , grass-roots mass self-government organizations and individual business by the government .