
  • 网络tax revenue
  1. 我国税收收入增长超GDP增长的分析

    China 's Tax Revenue Grew Faster Than GDP Growth Rate Analysis

  2. 税收收入、GDP及我国宏观税负分析

    On Tax , GDP and Tax Burden

  3. 税收收入Granger因果和协整关系检验

    Granger Cause and Cointegration Test on China 's Tax Revenue

  4. 黑龙江省税收收入占GDP的比重偏低,已经影响到政府正常履行其基本职能。

    The tax proportion of GDP in Heilongjiang is decreasing annually , which has affected the basic work of the government .

  5. 基于VEC模型的我国税收收入与GDP动态关系的实证研究:1990~2007

    Empirical Study on China 's Dynamic Relationship of Tax Revenue and GDP : 1990 ~ 2007

  6. 我们的研究结论表明,地方税收收入以及税收收入增长率分别与GDP以及GDP增长率正相关。

    Our conclusion indicates that the local tax revenue and its growth rate has a positive correlation with GDP and its growth rate respectively .

  7. 我国宏观税负水平评析:基于IMF和OECD税收收入口径

    Macro Tax Burden in China : An Analysis on the Base of Tax Revenue Caliber of IMF and OECD

  8. 税收收入自1994年以来一直持续高速增长,大大超出GDP增速,有国民经济高速增长的原因,也有重复征税、税负过高的因素。

    A repeated levying taxs and high burden of taxation account for the great increase of tax revenues since 1994 , far beyond GDP growing rate .

  9. 近几年来,作为公共收入主要形式的税收收入增长很快,明显超出了GDP的增速。

    The recent years have witnessed a rapid growth in tax revenue , the major form of public income , and it is far higher than the national GDP growth rate .

  10. 一些国家已经拥有温和的土地税,但其产生的税收收入还远不足以像19世纪改革家亨利乔治(henrygeorge)设想的那样取代所有其他税种。

    Land taxes of a modest kind exist in several countries , but do not yield nearly enough to replace all other taxes , as envisaged by the 19th century reformer Henry George .

  11. 第四部分从增加有税GDP,尤其是能增加地方税收收入的GDP的角度,对广州市地方财源优化提出对策建议。

    The fourth part from a tax increase of GDP , in particular , can increase local tax revenue GDP point of view , local sources of revenue optimization in Guangzhou put forward countermeasures and suggestions .

  12. 1994年税制改革以来,我国各地区税收收入连年高速增长,导致全国税收收入占GDP的比重迅速上升。研究发现这种税收收入的快速增长给经济增长带来严重不利影响。

    This paper finds that rapid growth of tax revenues since tax system reform in 1994 , which results in increasing rate of total tax revenues to GDP , has negative effects on our economic growth .

  13. 只有税收收入占GDP的比例适当,才能在促进经济可持续、稳定、较快发展的同时,使各项社会事业也能够和谐发展。

    Only the revenue from tax has a appropriate proportion in GDP , then various social businesses could attain a positive coordination development when promoting the economy to keep on developing on a stabilize and quickly speed .

  14. 去年,美国政府税收收入仅占国内生产总值(GDP)的32%,相比之下,这一比例在加拿大是38%,在德国是45%,在瑞典则是49%。

    The US government collected only 32 per cent of gross domestic product in revenues last year , compared with 38 per cent in Canada , 45 per cent in Germany and 49 per cent in Sweden .

  15. 如果税收收入占GDP比例较高,社会公共事业发展的资金充足,发展就会快一些。

    In contrast , if the revenue from tax takes a high proportion of GDP , the funds for the development of social public enterprise is ample , so the social public enterprise would develop more quickly .

  16. 宏观税负一般用税收收入占GDP的比重来反映,它表明了一定时期政府财力的集中程度,它是税收政策的核心。

    The proportion that takes GDP normally with the income of tax revenue reflects macroscopic tax burden , it has shown a certain period the concentration level of government financial resources , it is the core of the policy of tax revenue .

  17. 利用过去25年间税收收入和GDP数据,建立自回归分布滞后模型进行短期及长期税收弹性分析。

    Using the data of the tax revenue and GDP in the past 25 years , the author established an auto | regressively distributed lag ( ADL ) model to make short | run and long | run analyses of tax elasticity .

  18. 税收收入可持续增长研究&来自上海的实证分析

    An Empirical Study on the Steady Growth of Shanghai Tax Revenue

  19. 我国地区税收收入差距的时空演变分析

    An Analysis of Space-time Evolvement of China 's Regional Taxation Disparity

  20. 更多的税收收入来自能源供应行业。

    And more tax revenue is generated by energy industry suppliers .

  21. 组织协调能力因子;论组织税收收入与依法治税的关系

    Relationship between Organizing Revenue and Administering Tax Revenue According to Law

  22. 中国税收收入高速增长的可持续性分析

    An Analysis on the Sustainable Rapid Growth of Tax Revenue in China

  23. 税收收入与经济增长相关分析研究

    A Study of the Relevant Analysis Between Tax Revenue and Economy Increase

  24. 这些债券无一例外,都以州税收收入为担保。

    Those securities are backed exclusively by state tax revenue .

  25. 我国税收收入与经济增长关系的协整性分析

    Analysis of the Concerted Relation between our Homeland Tax and Economic Growth

  26. 税率、逃税程度和税收收入关系的博弈分析

    A Game of the Tax Rate the Tax Dodge and the Tax Revenue

  27. 税收收入能力测算问题一直是人们十分关注的问题。

    Measuring tax capacity has been of great concern .

  28. 经济发展为税收收入增长奠定了基础

    Economic Development Laid a Good Foundation for Tax Growth

  29. 论形成税收收入正常增长机制

    On Forming Regular Increase Mechanism of the Tax Income

  30. 因为随着银行利润迅速增长,税收收入也大幅上升。

    For as the banks ' profits mushroomed , so did tax revenues .