
  1. 盐酸文拉法辛与原研药有相同的安全警告。

    Generic venlafaxine hydrochloride will have the same safety warnings as Effexor XR .

  2. 因此,如何制定过专利期原研药的价格成为两难问题。

    Therefore , how to make prices of original patented drugs over the patent protection period becomes a dilemma .

  3. 目的:对“原研药单独定价”的合理性进行探究,并就原研药定价问题,提出自己的建议。

    The Aim : To explore the rationality of RLD single pricing and put forward the suggestions for RLD pricing .

  4. 戴盛明说,新的管理办法并不能让中国医药企业去开发原研药,因为它们负担不起巨额的研发费用。

    Dai cautioned that the new regulations cannot force Chinese pharmaceutical firms to develop original drugs , as many cannot afford to .

  5. 并且过专利期原研药与仿制药相比,新颖程度更高,产品质量更好,临床疗效更确切。

    Compared with generic drugs , original patented drugs over the patent protection period have a higher level in novelty , product quality and clinical effects .

  6. 通过现实价格差异对比,考察了过专利期原研药和仿制药的价格现状,总结出非专利药定价中存在的问题,归纳出定价中存在的难点。

    By comparing the realistic price difference situation between original patented drugs over the patent protection period and generic drugs , this article summarizes the problems and difficulties in the pricing of non-patent drugs .

  7. 该报告透视了处方药消费、目前处方药治疗领域数据、对仿制药和原研药的比较。

    The report looks at consumer spending on prescription drugs , and presents data on how many prescriptions have been filled , in which therapeutic areas , and compares use of generics with branded drugs .

  8. 药品的专利保护为专利原研药维持较高价位提供了强有力的法律依据,保障制药企业收回研发成本、保持研发热情。

    Pharmaceutical patent protection provides a strong legal basis for original patented drags in order to maintain higher prices , to cover research costs of pharmaceutical companies as well as maintain their R & D enthusiasm .

  9. 本文基于定价实践和研究特点,将过专利期原研药和仿制药合并,提出了非专利药的概念。介绍并评价了药品专利保护制度,保证下文的分析紧密结合药品专利保护的特点。

    Based on pricing practices and characteristics of this research , this article combines the concept of " original patented drugs over the patent protection period " with " generic drugs ", proposes the concept of " non-patent drugs " and evaluates the pharmaceutical patent protection system .