
  • 网络original sin
  1. 就家庭背景而言,作为一名天主教徒,生活在南方圣经带,奥康纳深深地为宗教所影响,后者成了她意识的一部分。奥康纳笃信原罪论,即人生来就有罪,源自始祖亚当。

    Being a Catholic and living in the " Bible Belt ", O ' Connor is deeply influenced by her religion , which has become part of her consciousness , and she firmly believes in original sin which is innate in mankind as the descendants of Adam .

  2. 文章从系统神学的原罪论、救赎论和末世论等方面对该音乐作品的思想内涵作了初步探讨。基督教原罪论对现代刑法的启蒙

    The article discussed implied meaning of the work on the aspect of systematic theology such as the theory of original sin , atone , last phase of an age and so on . Enlightenment of the Original Sin Doctrine in Christianity to the Modern Criminal Law System

  3. 本部分对此从原罪论的三个方面进行了具体分析。

    It analyses the original sin in three aspects in detail .

  4. 通过从法的角度对原罪论这三个方面进行的分析,指出原罪论实质上是一种法的理论。

    Through analysis , the original sin is actually a theory of law .

  5. 第一部分:原罪论是一种法的理论。

    Part one points out that the original sin is a theory of law .

  6. 《圣经》中的原罪论成为其大肆攫取财富的工具。赎罪祭和赎罪银在中世纪表现形式更为多样。

    Original Sin in Bible became the tool for wantonly grabbing wealth , which resulted in various forms of sin offering and atonement silver in middle ages .

  7. 本部分首先分析了基督教原罪理论的基本特征,指出原罪论包含了基督教神学思想史上的三个方面的重要内容,即:自由意志说、罪与恶的观念、救赎论。

    It analyses the basic characteristics of the including three aspects i.e. the theory of free will , the notion on sin and evil and theory of salvation and ransom .