
  1. 靠卖空银行股为原油期货投资提供资金的对冲基金陷入了恶性的逼仓中,采用此项策略的基金数周内损失了逾40%的资金。

    Hedge funds that had funded investments in oil futures by selling short on bank shares were caught in a vicious squeeze , as this strategy lost more than 40 per cent in a matter of weeks .

  2. 原油产量、投资、成本和油价之间相互制约、相互影响。

    Oil production , investment , cost and oil price interacted with each other .

  3. 美方尊重中方增长的能源需求和经济关切,特别是在原油贸易与投资领域。

    The United States respects Chinas growing energy needs and economic concerns , especially in crude oil trade and investment .

  4. 华北油区原油产量、投资、成本和油价的优化配置关系石油输出国组织昨日同意每天原油产量二百万桶。

    Optimized allocation relation between oil production , investment , cost and oil price in Huabei petroliferous province . ; Opec agreed yesterday to raise output by two million barrels a day .