
  • 网络Statutory welfare reserve
  1. 从理论上说,法定公益金制度与投资者权益和公司利益都相互冲突,在实践上也几乎形同虚设。

    Theoretically , there are conflicts with the interest of investor and the company .

  2. 法定公益金失去存在的理论基础和现实意义;

    Thus the legal public fund has lost its foundation for existence and its practical significance .

  3. 这两项重要的法规从制度上规定了法定公益金提取的强制性,使得在十几年的时间里各个企业都在自己的会计核算体系中给了法定公益金一席之地。

    These two important regulations make each enterprise brings the statutory public welfare fund into their accounting system for several years .

  4. 公司提取的法定公益金用于本公司职工的集体福利。

    The company 's statutory common welfare fund is used for the collective welfare of the company 's staff and workers .

  5. 国家与时俱进修改《公司法》,取消了企业提取法定公益金的规定;

    In accordance with the new era , our country has revised The Company Law , which has cancelled the enterprise-extracting legal public fund .

  6. 在这种转变的过程中,法定公益金作为一项过渡性的制度安排被确立下来。

    In this transformation process , the statutory public welfare fund was established as a transitional arrangement , and it was drawn as a certain percentage from the net profits .

  7. 原《公司法》第一百七十七条规定:公司分配当年税后利润时,应当提取利润的百分之十列入公司法定公积金,并提取利润的百分之五至百分之十列入公司法定公益金。

    Meanwhile , the original Company Ordinance states that when the company distributes the after-tax profits , it should draw from the profits by 5 % to 10 % to the statutory public welfare fund .